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#Meta Data #Tags #Blooms Taxonomy #Folksonomy

#21st century Literacy Skills Explained.

Librarian Phil Shapiro shot this music video in the public library where he works in Takoma Park, Maryland. The melody is the old spiritual, "Oh, Happy Day."


What IS metadata?

Metadata is data about data.

It's data that is embedded into a file that describes the rest of the data in that file.

Usually the person who is viewing the file doesn't see the metadata, unless the document's properties are shown.

But search engines like Watch Know Learn, Yahoo, Google, and Bing read metadata and use it to help catalog your file or Video in their databases and retrieve the file when someone searches for a topic listed in your metadata and file.


OCW Consortium Webinar: Metadata part 1
Most Meta Data is information that is primarily useful for interaction between computers.


At its simplest, metadata usually has the following basic information:

  • Title of the document
  • Author's name
  • Date created
  • Subject
  • Description
  • Keywords

There are several software packages which are so sophisticated that they will take care of both RIGHT brain and LEFT brain thinkers which covers the whole population not just academic thinkers!

Tags give you subject related Metadata

Tags add value to the giant piles of data that are already out there. What are tags? Thousands of members use tags to give some contextual meaning to more than 3.5 million pictures that might otherwise get lost in the shuffle. You can give your photos a "tag", which is like a keyword or category label. Tags help you find photos which have something in common. Let folks loose categorizing their own stuff on their own terms.

Tag Defintion - example of system:media:audio
system:something:specific taxonomy


"FOLKSONOMY" Thomas Vander Wal, the information architect credited with coining the term.

Furl, MetaFilter and the blog index Technorati are generally considered folksonomy trailblazers. Other ways businesses can get value out of Twitter is competitive research, lead generation and media relations. You can research competitor accounts and their followers. You can sometimes identify which followers are their customers and prospects and try to engage with them yourself, when appropriate. Be careful not to push an advertisement on them too soon.Tweetdeck can be used to search on terms that are relevant for the business and identified potential leads which they pass to sales.
From a PR perspective, you can follow and try to engage members of the media, bloggers, and other subject matter experts who write about your industry. Compliment them on articles they write, pitch them new ideas to write about. If you can build a relationship, maybe they will write about you.

Bloom's Taxonomy and the Digital World - Open 2008
Bloom's Taxonomy, developed in the 1950's, expresses thinking and learning through a set of concepts that begin with lower order thinking skills (LOTS) and build to higher order thinking skills (HOTS). Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, constructed over the last 15 years, turns these words into different phrases. In the revised taxonomy, verbs are used rather than nouns to express the concept. The revised taxonomy begins with the word remembering before moving to understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. Perhaps most importantly, there has been a general consensus of a change at level five and six, with evaluating being seen as a lower level to that of creating.

Normal ordinary humans = FOLK
Scientific Classification = TAXONOMY
SEE Taxonomy Community of Practice (TaxoCOP)

FOLKSONOMY - According to various speakers at Online, folksonomies and tagging are becoming increasingly important. Web 2.0 presents exciting opportunities for networked information of the future - see The Hive Mind . "Many recently developed concepts and technologies are seen as contributing to Web 2.0, including weblogs, wikis, podcasts, rss feeds and other forms of many to many publishing; social software, web APIs, web standards, online web services, AJAX, and others.").

K12 |FINANCIAL LITERACY| - is a social bookmarks manager using Tags are one-word descriptors that you can assign to any bookmark. Tags can't contain quotation marks or whitespace, but are otherwise unrestricted. You can assign as many tags to a bookmark as you like, and rename, delete, add or merge tags together. Joshua Schachter began, a way for people to store and share their favorite Web-browsing bookmarks online. Instead of organizing them himself, or even creating a standard taxonomy of categories, Schachter used something called user tagging people simply labeled the bookmarks by any name they wanted, and eventually the group as a whole effectively voted on them by either adopting those tags themselves or rejecting them.

Social Media's Power

From 21 Century skills learned and practiced from K-16
these are the skills in demand when it comes to the job.

Definition of 21st Century Literacy:
3 videos on managing info overload: Infotention - -

The term "social media" first began to coalesce around 2003 to describe the impact of personal media and opinion through the emergence of low-cost publishing platforms. It was a term we adopted. We are rapidly moving to a post-social media world, where all media is social, and brands and businesses recognize its power to influence the entire enterprise.

What every administrator, Policy Maker and Parent should know:

NSBA Social Network Report.pdf
MIT professor and clinical psychologist Sherry Turkle thinks "the impact of social networking on individual users and society in further accentuating "the tethered self" a person who understands himself and his feelings more in relation to others." It seems to be part of a larger trend in media culture for people not to know what they think until they get a sense of what everyone else think." "Tethered adolescents are given a cellphone by their parents. In return, they are expected to answer their parents' calls. On the one hand, this arrangement gives the adolescent new freedoms. On the other, the adolescent does not have the experience of being alone, of having only him or herself to count on: there is always a parent on speed dial. This provides comfort in a dangerous world, yet there is a price to pay in the development of autonomy. There used to be a moment in the life of an urban child, usually between the ages of 12 and 14, when there was a first time to navigate the city alone. It was a rite of passage that communicated, 'You are on your own and responsible.' Tethering via a cellphone buffers this moment; tethered children think differently about themselves. They are not quite alone." And time alone to digest, reflect, and form our own views - not just in relation to how our friends or fellow IM-ers or social networkers think is a good thing.

Parents, teachers, and administrators who are concerned about what their kids are doing out of the house should also know what their kids are doing online. The 21st century is an online world and everyone needs 21st century skills.

Students think they are anonymous - wrong. They don't realize how they can be traced online. The Secret Service can identify the IP of your school from the message and if your kid even goes to that school. Then will go to the school and using the time stamp on the message and firewall logs, can identify the exact computer from which it came and the student who was logged in at the time.

Social media's power is profound and can strongly impact a wide range of use cases within brands, including risk management, media, product life cycle management, customer care, HR, market research, and innovation. There is a clear disconnect between the common association of the term "social media" with what it can actually do. Social Media is adopted as core to corporate strategy and not just another marketing channel. Social media is driving greater collaboration and forcing organizations to reexamine their business processes so they can be agile enough to react to the real-time social intelligence being infused into the organization.
The primary value of social media doesn't come from the tactics or the technologies, many of which are transitory, but from infusing its value across the enterprise to drive real and sustainable business advantage. And the examples of its power are tangible. HP, for example, said that it saved $10 million in call center costs by infusing social listening into customer service. Procter & Gamble reported that nearly half of its innovation is coming from outside the company through forms of social engagement, like its InnoCentive initiative. IBM is infusing ongoing real-time social intelligence across the organization for myriad use cases. This is about business redesign. It is also about the application of the social sciences. In our view, social media is about the evolution of human communication.
Cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology, and linguistics matter in marketing again. Concepts like "social framing," whereby individuals often perceive issues through the prism of their friends, are starting to help us rethink the way we communicate and the ways people gather, act, and synthesize information. Rethinking social organization through social media is beginning to have a transformative impact on governments and businesses.

Online Credibility Assessment
Information-seeking process figures into the final evaluation of content people encounter. Using unique data about how a diverse group of young adults looks for and evaluates Web content, our paper makes contributions to existing literature by highlighting factors beyond site features in how users assess credibility. We find that the process by which users arrive at a site is an important component of how they judge the final destination. In particular, search context, branding and routines, and a reliance on those in one's networks play important roles in online information-seeking and evaluation. We also discuss that users differ considerably in their skills when it comes to judging online content credibility. Full Text: PDF
Keywords: Credibility, Internet, Users, Web, Branding, Trust, Search, Information-Seeking, Media Literacy

#social networks
#facebook privacy