Free computer programs - copyright vs. copyleft
Richard Stallman is the father of "copyleft", which he
called "a mirror image" of copyright.
Stallman wants you to have the right to twiddle your software -- to be able to add features,
it and, if you can figure out how, teach it get down and do the fandango.
2013 Choose A License New tool from Github to help with choosing a license. It's a site for helping software developers understand more about licenses they can release their code under. Blog
When was first campaign for computer users' freedomFrom: "Richard Stallman" rms -a- gnu.orgDate: Aug 4, 2012 1:43 AM
The free software movement, a campaign for computer users' freedom, started in 1983.
Do you know of any other campaigns for computer users' freedom prior to that? I don't mean the same specific issue (free vs proprietary software), I mean any issue of freedom from unjust power, specifically in regard to computer users or computer use.
The reason I'm asking is that the free software movement might have been the first such campaign, but I can't sure yet.
Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110 USA
The FSF is a charity with a worldwide mission to advance software freedom
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software. Use free telephony
Micky Metts says use free software like Drupal for community building - networking, privacy, encryption and autonomy.
From Greg Aharonian Internet Patent News Service
Back in the 1970s, it was the routine policy of the U.S. government
to include source code to computer programs in technical reports funded by the government.
As of the mid-1980s, there were tens of thousands of such computer programs freely available, with no
restrictions whatsoever on the use of the source codes. Admittedly, the software was poorly
organized, but this was a function of the times. For some source codes too large to be printed, all you
to do was send a magnetic tape to the originating laboratory, and they would mail you back a copy of the
code on the tape
A large number of engineering software companies had their basis in taking government funded
software, cleaning it up, and commercially supporting the program. One program out of Sandia
Laboratories was so commercialized with the government developers (nor the laboratory) receiving any
that the entire lab quit Sandia and ... formed their own company.
What the government first did in the 1970s was the most free of a free
software movement you could have. It just happened before the "popular" era
the Internet, so isn't well known. The physics community had its version of this - the journal
Physics Communication, which announced science/engineering programs free to reuse (but you had to pay to
have a copy made of the code). Other branches of science (mathematics, chemistry) had their equivalents,
all starting in the 1970s. The goal was the same - to freely share software for others to use and
with or without a commercial aspect.
Francis Maude: We shouldn't need to educate people on how to use a .gov service. We need to educate govt on how to serve the citizen. #gov20
Larry Lessig Writes:
"*Ever since the birth* of the free software movement, its defenders have struggled
explain just what
"free software" is .... "Think free," the movement's founder, Richard
puts it, "as in free speech, not free beer." You can charge whatever you want for free
software. But what you can't do is lock up the knowledge that makes it run. Others must be
allowed to learn from and tinker with it. No one is permitted a monopoly on the teaching that stands
Free software movement started in 1983 by Richard Stallman.
Stallman was talking up his "copyleft" idea, which he called "a mirror image" of copyright. "If society forbids cooperation, it attacks its very root," he said at the awards ceremony. "We should all be able to have information and use it constructively." Stallman points out how Net culture has strayed far from its early days of open software to closed, proprietary systems like Microsoft Windows and suggests the Linux operating system as a free alternative. Sure, he may be preaching to the converted at CFP -- but then again, maybe the Net would be a better, or at least freer, place if more people were converts.
Meet Richard Stallman, watch his video and learn. He wrote GNU Public License version gnu 1, 2, and now 3 with the help of a contract lawyer. This public license protects the freedom of every user.
FREEDOM FIRST: Unethical Products that restrict freedom.
Freedom and community are the moral goals of software freedom. He wrote version gnu 1, 2, and now 3 with
the help of a contract lawyer. GNU public License protects the freedom on every user.
HDTV plot to control technology available to the public.
Facism: Gov't toadies to big business Disney, Intel, Sony, Microsoft conspiracy. After 2013 Analog
outputs will be forbidden and won't be allowed to be manufactured.
Richard Stallman - DRM
How To Stop DRM - Don't Buy It.
Don't install Real Player or Windows Media Player
Go to
GNU Relaunch Our contact address is Dora Scilipoti,is a Italian free software activist, teacher, and volunteer lead of the GNU Education Team. The website has been enriched with a completely renewed section on education, at It all began in December 2008 at the "Free Software Free Society" International Conference held in Trivandrum, India. During an informal conversation with Richard Stallman and attendees at the event, the topic of the role of free software in education was brought up and I was asked to take up the task of working on the education section of the Web site. As a free software advocate and a teacher, I always felt that the GNU Project needed to address the subject specifically and in depth, for it is in the education field that its ethical principles find the most fertile ground for achieving the goal of building a better society.
2013 free programming tool MIT App Inventor
2013 Cloud computing is a trap, warns GNU founder Richard Stallman: Web-based programs like Google's Gmail will force people to buy into locked, proprietary systems that will cost more and more over time, according to the free software campaigner. The concept of using web-based programs like Google's Gmail is "worse than stupidity", according to a leading advocate of free software.