About Social Networks and How to Report a Problem
Privacy Solutions, resources and tools for social networking.
How do I stop location tracking on iOS? How do I stop it on Android?
AND https://support.google.com/android/answer/6179507
At least 75 companies receive people's precise location data from hundreds of apps whose users
location services for benefits such as weather alerts.
Two location firms, Fysical and SafeGraph, mapped people attending the 2017 presidential inauguration. On
Fysical's map, a bright red box near the Capitol steps indicated the general location of President Trump and
those around him, cellphones pinging away. Fysical's chief executive said in an email that the data it used
was anonymous. SafeGraph did not respond to requests for comment.
20 apps, most of which had been flagged by researchers and industry insiders as potentially sharing the
Together, 17 of the apps sent exact latitude and longitude to about 70 businesses. Precise location data
one app, WeatherBug on iOS, was received by 40 companies.
Your Apps Know Where You Were Last Night, and They're Not Keeping It Secret]
You can head off much of the tracking on your own device by spending a few minutes changing settings.
The information below applies primarily to people in the United States.
- K12 Education: Learn and Teach the public how to identify Fake News
- Social Networks: How to Fix and Report Problems: Facebook and Twitter Privacy
- Learn How To Get Off Facebook
- Twitter Networking Tools for business and how to delete your tweets
Sean Parker, one of the co-founders of Facebook, says he thinks social media is damaging
health of humans' brains.
1 big thing: Sean Parker's jarring Facebook tell-all - Parker mentioned that he has become "something of a conscientious objector" on social media.
Facebook's co-founder blasts social media:
“It literally changes your relationship with society”
One of Facebook's founders says that social media may have a negative impact on the human brain MATTHEW
ROZSA 11.09.2017
Sean Parker, one of the co-founders of Facebook, says he thinks social media is damaging the health of
brains. "It literally changes your relationship with society, with each other . . . It probably
interferes with productivity in weird ways. God only knows what it's doing to our children's brains,"
Parker told an audience at an Axios event regarding cancer studies at the National Constitution Center in
Philadelphia. He said that Facebook and its successors were deliberately designed to consume as much time
attention as possible from their users. The result was that they created "a social-validation feedback
loop... exactly the kind of thing that a hacker like myself would come up with, because you're exploiting a
vulnerability in human psychology."
He added, "The inventors, creators — it's me, it's Mark [Zuckerberg], it's Kevin Systrom on Instagram,
it's all of these people — understood this consciously. And we did it anyway." Parker's observation
Facebook potentially being used to psychologically exploit its users has an interesting resonance in 2017.
After all, Facebook admitted last month that roughly 10 million of its users had seen divisive political
advertisements sponsored by Russia. "The 2016 U.S. election was the first where evidence has been
reported that foreign actors sought to exploit the internet to influence voter behavior. We understand more
about how our service was abused and we will continue to investigate to learn all we can," Facebook
in a statement at the time.
The #google home, amazon echo, #apple's siri and #microsoft's cortana collect your voice recordings. Here's how to delete everything #cybersecurity #infosec
Social media is destroying human relationships by turning our fundamental emotional connections into commodities by Facebook drones who click “like” boxes without ever thinking about how corporations are controlling every aspect of their lives. When a corporation decides to have a focus where you make money off human relationships, that's incredibly dangerous. It crosses the line. Facebook has a business model of “you are learning about me and taking me and my relationships apart to monetize that.” It's a trojan horse for something sinister.
Technological efficiency or sharing doesn't help relationships which are
and require effort to preserve. Shortcuts like texting or tweets aren't going to take the place
of a phone call or hand written thank you note. Essential facts don't make relationships. Personal
communication isn't about using shortcuts.
People need real connections not the technology that interrupts what is
tenuous and fragile.
"Efficient" isn't about personal relationships. Manners and old fashioned Etiquette have their
place at the party - the dinner table - the car ride - the vacation. It isn't "all about you and what
you deserve" as the advertisers say over and over - you can't dictate the terms of a real
with effecient technology. It's about other people's feelings and how you negototiate them.
Police are spending millions of dollars to
the social media of protesters and suspects.
Hundreds of local police departments across the United States have collectively spent about $4.75 million on
software tools that can monitor the locations of activists at protests or social media hashtags used by
suspects, according to new research. The research, by the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonprofit
focusing on criminal justice issues, aims to take a comprehensive look at the fast-growing phenomenon of
social media-monitoring by law enforcement. Using public records, the Brennan Center tracked spending by 151
local law enforcement agencies that have contracted with start-ups that siphon data from Facebook,
Twitter and other sites, largely out of the public eye. “The numbers we have are massively understated,”
Faiza Patel, co-director of the organization's liberty and national security program, pointing out that
agencies don't always have any obligation to report their use of the software. “But it gives an indication
a phenomenon that is growing rapidly and flying under the radar.” Top spenders were the City of Los Angeles,
the Texas Department of Public Safety, the County of Sacramento, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement
the County of Macomb, which is a large county in Michigan. Each spent roughly $70,000 over the past three
years, Brennan found.
Geofeedia, SnapTrends and Dataminr analyze data posted publicly on popular
social media sites. They buy information from the social sites and analyze the data to look for trends or
monitor events taking place at a certain location. Corporations buy the analysis, along with nonprofits,
financial firms and, increasingly, law enforcement. The law enforcement trend has exploded in the past two
years, Patel said. Law enforcement officials say the tools can be useful because sometimes people who commit
crimes brag about them on social media. Witnesses also may offer up clues, such as posting that they heard
gunshots or posting video of events.
Know the purpose of:
1) Internet Rules of Social Media - Civility Counts! Read "George Washington's Rules for Social Media."
Your account is public, meaning that anyone who knows your username can follow you and see whatever you post unless you do something to protect yourself. But remember if you want your privacy don't signup and use any of these sites in the first place.
2) Buzzwords Incomprehensible jargon is the hallmark of a profession.
3) Bullies Just remember . . . "If I Were King Of the Forrest" please report abuse!
4) Celebrity Over the course of human evolution, assessing social dominance and subordinance has been a ubiquitous feature of our interactions; it's deep-set in our brains. Faces with either stereotypically high- or low-status expressions. People could correctly identify the status even when viewing pictures for 40 milliseconds. That's 40-thousandths of a second.
Digital Natives are K-12 kids born after 2000 who have been encouraged to
extend a part of their IRL (In Real Life) aka meat space identity into the digital space aka cyberspace.
The online world ( remember MySpace, Second Life,, Flickr? ) provides amazing platforms when it comes exploring alter egos (Second Life) and other identity-forming
activities. It also provides the tools to explore each other.
Instagram, Snapcht , Youtube,and all the other web 2.0 aren't places to go, but things to do, and a way to collaborate and express yourself. If you can get
millions of users generating content, millions of users organizing that content, tens of thousands of users
distributing that across the Internet, and thousands of people not on the payroll actually building it
you've got a web 2.0 biz you can sell for millions of dollars.
Key Take Away: In fact, for most Digital Natives, there is no difference between their meat
space, physical identity and their online cyberspace life, they are the same, it is their natural habitat.
Digital Natives understand that to compete in the workplace, participate online, have a voice in government,
influence the world, a digital identity can't be treated as an add-on to life. It's essential to
everything, period.
Participatory cultures involve being a part of online communities, producing digital media,
problem-solving collaboratively, and shaping the public discussion (via blogs, podcasts, etc.). And access
these is becoming key to young people's ability to succeed. They will not be stifled, filtered, censored
and we (adults) don't get that.
7 ways to master your Instagram account
Twitter and Privacy Mistakes Rules - For Social Media
Trouble Areas for Kids and Parents
Internet Safety Rules. Parents
learn how to keep children safe on the Internet.
IN SEPTEMBER 2016 Yahoo has announced it was hacked in late 2014 disclosing an enormous
million-account breach.
Then Melissa Meyers admitted routed around yahoo security and went to the email department and asked them to
write a program that would covertly scan their customers' incoming emails, and deployed it on behalf of a US
intelligence agency!!! When Alex Stamos, who was the Yahoo CISO found out he quit. He also pointed out that
the software in question sported vulnerabilities that could be misused by hackers to access users' stored
emails. This surveillance was conducted under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, this
story reinforces the urgent need for Congress to reform the law to prevent dragnet surveillance and require
increased transparency.
2016 The former Yahoo exec Alex Stamos estimated the number of
accounts that could have potentially been stolen could be anywhere between 1
and 3 billion.
2016 How much do you hate Yahoo? Lost over a billion identities they suck so bad! Yahoo announced HACKERS BREACH A BILLION YAHOO ACCOUNTS. A BILLION
Close your Yahoo account - but if you've been hacked you won't be able to sign in to close your account.
How to REPORT A PROBLEM and get an underage kid off facebook.
Is Using You --
and so is every other FREE internet service,
including Twitter and WeChat!
WeChat flaw that the average user will enable putting the other side at risk - Do NOT back up your iPhone chat history and media to the iCloud. Congratulations to @jankoum, @brianacton, @moxie and the rest of the team on shipping E2E in WhatsApp. Tech paper
There is a New Item on the College Admission Checklist: Your LinkedIn Profile demonstrates how social
are playing a role in the escalation of the college admissions arms race to what might be called the
careerization of childhood.
For the six months ending December 31, 2012, the total number of user-data requests Facebook received from any and all government entities in the U.S. (including local, state, and federal, and including criminal and national security-related requests) - was between 9,000 and 10,000. These requests run the gamut - from things like a local sheriff trying to find a missing child, to a federal marshal tracking a fugitive, to a police department investigating an assault, to a national security official investigating a terrorist threat. The total number of Facebook user accounts for which data was requested pursuant to the entirety of those 9-10 thousand requests was between 18,000 and 19,000 user accounts.
The NSA uses FISA orders as part of the PRISM
Microsoft and Google have previously released data on government requests for user information, but they
barred from including Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court orders. This is the first time that
Facebook has released any statistics on government requests.
Facebook's inventory consists of yours and my personal data. Facebook makes money by selling ad space to companies that want to reach us. Advertisers choose key words or details — like relationship status, location, activities, favorite books and employment — and then Facebook runs the ads for the targeted subset of its 845 million users. In Europe, laws give people the right to know what data companies have about them, but that is not the case in the United States. Why are privacy laws non existent in the U.S.?
Software that tracks people on social media created by defense firm
Raytheon's Riot program mines social network data like a 'Google for spies', drawing ire from civil rights
groups. A multinational security firm has secretly developed software capable of tracking people's movements
and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social networking websites. A video
obtained by the Guardian reveals how an "extreme-scale analytics" system created by
the world's fifth largest defence contractor, can gather vast amounts of information about people from
websites including Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare. Raytheon says it has not sold the software - named
or Rapid Information Overlay Technology - to any clients. But the Massachusetts-based company has
the technology was shared with US government and industry as part of a joint research and development
in 2010, to help build a national security system capable of analysing "trillions of entities"
cyberspace. The power of Riot to harness popular websites for surveillance offers a rare insight into
controversial techniques that have attracted interest from intelligence and national security agencies, at
same time prompting civil liberties and online privacy concerns.
So, What are your children doing on the net?
What are they putting up there?
Do K-12 Students Understand that Facebook is Public?
- K12 Sexting: 14-year old child pornographers? Sexting lawsuits get serious If a middle-aged man meets a 14-year-old girl, coerces her to film a 10-second clip of herself masturbating, then intentionally releases that clip on the Internet, the man could clearly be charged under US federal law against the “sexual exploitation of children.” But what happens when the “man” is a 14-year-old boy who the 14-year old girl likes? And what if the "coercion" to make the film is the boy's threat not to befriend the girl in their new high school without the video? A 2010 paper (PDF) written by Dena Sacca, a former US Assistant Attorney for Massachusetts, served as a reminder of sexting's complexity. When should the law get involved in these cases?
- What happens at Facebook
should stay at Facebook.
What do Facebook, the CIA and your magazine subscription list have in common? Maybe more than you think . . . Please see this first - The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook timeline from 2005 - 2010
- Facebook publicly opened registration beyond the world of students for the first time (!) to people with select corporate email accounts. Facebook's corporate foray will make college career counselors uneasy that unscrupulous employers might use the site to dig for dirt on students who have applied for jobs. Read the FaceBook Blog
- Privacy Online Is Dead
- Facebook Comments Code for publishers site or on Facebook itself will be displayed in both locations. Adminis can blacklist certain users and language. All users commenting will have to be logged in w/FB or Yahoo. Purpose for selling your data to 3rd party sites. Partners are Discovery.com, Examiner.com, Sporting News and SBNation.
- Parents Teach Your Children Well! this is real. Bristol Palin, Levi Johnson, Govenor Sarah Palin Don't let this happen to you.
- Find MySpace's Tips for Parents
Tools that a parent needs to supervise and keep children and teenagers safe. Social Risks: "disinhibition" psychologists' term for "the many ways people behave with less restraint in cyberspace. It's what explains bullying, harassing, or just rude behavior online. - Anti Social
Tools - How to be polite online
Social Dynamics of the New Media = Netiquette
Blocking and Muting services = Deception + Plausible Deniability
Teachers and Facebook
- Mark Zuckerberg gets hot under the collar over your privacy issues and sweats
- Teacher Fired Over Facebook
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zU8m-4_CmtU - TEACHER FORCED TO QUIT OVER FACEBOOK PHOTOS
Application Platforms
Application Platforms like Twitter are like sharecropping. You are the sharecropper. You get to work on the farm, but you don't get to own the farm. The owners of the social networking platforms, get to call the shots, and at any point you can lose your farm which is the same thing as losing your domain name, access to your accrued data, and any kind of community you may have created. We are treated like sharecroppers on social networks. We would be better off if we constructed a network ourselves, because networks don't really matter. At some point the technology won't make me sign up for every single one of these networks, and we don't want to duplicate our social network or duplicate all of this work multiple times.
There Is Something wrong with Facebook and any other technology when the terms of the bargain is to allow websites to swap your personal information for convenient access to their sites - with the companies that operate the networks - collecting ever more information about their users. That information can and will be sold to marketers. When you give up that data, you're giving it up forever. The value they give us is negligible in the scale of what they are doing, and what we are giving up is all of our privacy.
Department Of Defense going after social network sites.
New Scientist Magazine has discovered that Pentagon's National Security Agency, which specialises in eavesdropping and code-breaking, is funding research into the mass harvesting of the information that people post about themselves on social networks. And it could harness advances in internet technology - specifically the forthcoming "semantic web" championed by the web standards organisation W3C - to combine data from social networking websites with details such as banking, retail and property records, allowing the NSA to build extensive, all-embracing personal profiles of individuals. See Security and PrivacyFacebook is a centralized social network used for spying.
Zhitomirskiy, Dan Grippi, Max Salzberg, and Raphael Sofaer decided to build a social network that
force people to surrender their privacy to a big business. They have called their project Diaspora* and intend to
distribute the software free, and to make the code openly available so that other programmers can build on
Share what you want, with whom you want. To manage your privacy on Facebook, you will need to navigate
50 settings with more than 170 options. Facebook says it wants to offer precise controls for sharing on the
Internet. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/05/12/business/facebook-privacy.html
There is something wrong.
There are Dead People on Facebook
The world's biggest social network, knows a lot about its roughly 500 million members. Its software is
quick to offer helpful nudges about things like imminent birthdays and friends you have not contacted in a
while. But the company has had trouble automating the task of figuring out when one of its users has died.
That can lead to some disturbing or just plain weird moments for Facebook users as the site keeps on
a dead friend through its social algorithms. Facebook says it has been grappling with how to handle the
in its machine but acknowledges that it has not found a good solution. Now, people over 65 are adopting
Facebook at a faster pace than any other age group, with 6.5 million signing up in May alone, three times as
many as in May 2009, according to the research firm comScore. People over 65, of course, also have the
country's highest mortality rate, so the problem is only going to get worse. 2010
China, Russia, South Africa - And The Facebook Connection 12 Jan 2011
By Matthew
Buckland at Memeburn There is something
going on in China, Russia and South Africa. Via various internet investments and creations, these three
countries combined have built up major stakes in some of the world's biggest sites and social networks.
Russian investment company, Digital Sky Technologies (DST), now owns about 7-10% of Facebook by various estimates, putting the company among Facebook's biggest
owners. Via its
sister company Mail.ru, another 2.4% of Facebook is held. Recently, according to the New York Times, DST
ploughed a further $50-million into Facebook. DST also owns about five percent of
the popular social gaming company Zynga and another five percent of the prominent shopping-coupon company
Groupon. The company is now apparently eyeing a piece of Twitter, but then again who isn't? The Mail.ru
Group, which has grown into the biggest Internet company in the Russian-speaking world, owns 100% of Russian
social networking site Odnoklassniki, and has a significant stake in the country's other major networking
site, Vkontakte. DST
owns the early-web era instant messaging service ICQ, an interesting investment because the service is
somewhat of a fading star.
The Chinese and South African connection
There is also a Chinese, and even a South African connection to the Russian group. South African emerging markets media
giant Naspers, an $18-billion company, also owns a stake (reported at 28.7%) in DST, and therefore indirectly holds a stake in Facebook. Naspers
also owns a chunk in TenCent's QQ, China's largest instant messenger and social network. In December
2010, QQ.com ranked 9th overall in Alexa's internet rankings, ahead of Twitter which ranked 10th.
According to Business Day, TenCent had about 637-million registered users in December 2010.
Ironically Naspers hails
from a newspaper background, but started to make serious money via pay-TV operations in South
Africa and throughout Africa. Naspers operates
from a home market with a comparatively small internet user base of anywhere between 7-12 million South African
so this may explain why the company has been aggressively fishing beyond its borders for internet
Naspers is headed by a tough, shrewd and ambitious Cape Town-based CEO in Koos Bekker. At home, the company
owns the largest internet media player in News24, which attracts a modest -- by world standards -- five million monthly users.
also owns a piece of the South African MXit, a mobile-app-based IM now claiming around 25-30-million world-wide users. In 2001 Naspers
bought the 46,5% piece of Tencent for $32m, making it the largest shareholder in the then three-year-old
company. Then QQ had just 18-million accounts. As Tencent grew and turned into the world's third-largest dot-com by market value, the value of Naspers' stake jumped more
400-fold to exceed R14bn. With these impressive figures, it appears that Tencent's QQ platform may be
challenging Facebook as the world's largest social networking platform. They are not exactly comparable
platforms because QQ is an IM first and a social network second. For Facebook it is the other way round. But
broad definition of "social network" -- a somewhat abused term these days -- could put the
in the same category.
In September 2010, Naspers snapped up yet another social network, but this time in the US. The company
a "controlling interest" in social networking site Multiply.
headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, reportedly has more than 11-million registered users. Naspers also
Indian social networking play Ibibo, as well as various ecommerce platforms in Eastern Europe, South America
and other parts of Asia. The company holds 25% of Singapore-based BuzzCity, a mobile media company that runs
global advertising network on the mobile internet. Memeburn has it on good authority that Naspers sometime
back had an opportunity to buy a piece of business networking site LinkedIn, but turned it down at the time -- a
decision which has caused some regret at the company.
The Russians are not coming, they have in fact arrived.
On the other side of the world, the other figure leading this new emerging markets internet charge is the low-profile Internet tycoon Yury Milner. Milner is also the chairman of Mail.ru.
shaven-headed businessman trained as a physicist in Moscow before starting out as a manager at the World
He began investing in the Russian Internet in the late 1990s and founded Mail.ru in 2001. A report in The
York Times noted that if DST had invested 50 million dollars (37.5 million euros) more in Facebook, its
combined stake with Mail.ru would be worth about 500 million dollars. Mail.ru made its debut
on the London stock exchange in November and was valued at 5.71 billion dollars on flotation. In a
interview with business daily Vedomosti late in December 2010, Milner said that Mail.ru had "chosen a
strategy to have a global expertise in a very narrow sector". He said that in every Internet sector,
there was a tendency for one single firm to become dominant, and that the company had picked Facebook as the
leader in English-language social networking. "On the Internet there is a tendency for 'winner
all' and a leader emerges in every niche with surprising consistency," he said. "This is the
main issue that we look at. When we made our first investment in Facebook, it was not obvious that it was a
winner." Milner said he planned to invest the proceeds of the IPO in Internet projects, which he called
"one of the most promising areas for the next 10 years". The Mail.ru Group and DST are part owned
Alisher Usmanov, a Russian billionaire of Uzbek origin who first invested in DST in 2008 and is also a major
shareholder in Arsenal football club.
Internet: Learn About Twitter social network Tools
The Social Network - Defining Cultural Literacy and Technological Literacy
DefineCultural Literacy and Technological Literacy
140 Character Conf
Social network sites are the Internet generation's equivalent of the town hall, the school
cafeteria, or the workplace water cooler - the place where people come together to exchange both ideas and
idle gossip.
There is no
absolute definition of literacy
Educational theorist E.D. Hirsch, Jr. said literate people in every society and every culture share a body
knowledge that enables them to communicate with each other and make sense of the world around them. The
of things a literate person knows will vary from society to society and from era to era; so there is no
absolute definition of literacy. In the early twenty-first century, however, cultural literacy must have a
large technological component.
Technological literacy is a much richer concept than computer literacy. Technological literacy can be
of a comprising three interrelated dimensions that help describe the characteristics of a technologically
literate person who has knowledge of technology and is capable of using it effectively to accomplish various
tasks. He or she can think critically about technological issues and acts accordingly.
What every
Policy Maker and Parent should know:
NSBA Social Network Report.pdfMIT professor and clinical psychologist Sherry Turkle thinks "the
impact of social networking on individual users and society in further accentuating "the tethered
self" a person who understands himself and his feelings more in relation to others." It seems to
part of a larger trend in media culture for people not to know what they think until they get a sense of
everyone else think." "Tethered adolescents are given a cellphone by their parents. In return,
are expected to answer their parents' calls. On the one hand, this arrangement gives the adolescent new
freedoms. On the other, the adolescent doe not have the experience of being alone, of having only him or
herself to count on: there is always a parent on speed dial. This provides comfort in a dangerous world, yet
there is a price to pay in the development of autonomy. There used to be a moment in the life of an urban
child, usually between the ages of 12 and 14, when there was a first time to navigate the city alone. It was
rite of passage that communicated, 'You are on your own and responsible.' Tethering via a cellphone
buffers this moment; tethered children think differently about themselves. They are not quite alone."
time alone to digest, reflect, and form our own views - not just in relation to how our friends or fellow
IM-ers or social networkers think is a good thing.
Parents, teachers, and administrators who are concerned about what their kids are doing out of the house should also know what their kids are doing online. The 21st century is an online world and everyone needs 21st century skills.
Students think they are anonymous - wrong. They don't realize how they can be traced online. The Secret Service can identify the IP of your school from the message and if your kid even goes to that school. Then will go to the school and using the time stamp on the message and firewall logs, can identify the exact computer from which it came and the student who was logged in at the time.
K-12 Teacher Trainers -
Twitter 24/7 Professional Development
Institutional Brand - digital footprint - Authentic Rich Learning Environments - It's about Networking.
now have education policy makers making policies about technology with a limited understanding of how it
in education as a tool for learning, or even how it works, and viewing it as more of a hindrance than a
It would be so much easier if Technology went away and we could get back to the “Three R's”, good
read'n, rite'n, and rithmetic.
It turns out that one child's educational tool is another child's distraction -- particularly when bored. Those distractions have led to a mini-war on laptops in the classroom. At the University of Colorado at Boulder, professor Diane Sieber also knew her students weren't all paying attention in class. She carried out a very unscientific study simply by comparing the grades of students who used laptops in class with those of the students who didn't. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, Sieber privately informed the students after their first exam that they scored 11 percent lower than their counterparts without laptops. * But they don't take pencils or pens away when children are bored and they doodle with pencils.
Cyberbully TOOLS
- SAFE SCHOOLS AND THE CyberBully - What about those bystanders who just stand there and watch?
- Myspace Police Surveillance officers consider MySpace one of their best resources. Learn *how* police they use MySpace in investigations. Start with a name or an event or an area. Find a person connected to it and then drill down, through friends and friends of friends, visiting their sites, riffling through their pictures, reading the correspondence they display publicly, and making printouts of anything incriminating, find out where the big bashes will be. Even when youngsters use aliases, their face can still turn up in someone else's photo album of raunchy parties captured in embarrassing or illegal moments.
- Mr Rubert Murdoch, 74 appointed 33-year-old Jeremy Philips to run News Corp's internet strategy and armed him with a $1bn fund to buy more sites like myspace.com - like YouTube.com, Friendster, Linkedin, revver.com and Facebook.com, Tagged.com .
- Parents need to understand how to prevent the CyberBully from bothering their child.
FULL TRANSCRIPT of information for parents, legislators and press who are concerned about the dangers of MySpace.
Tell students that it's about YOU wanting to "BRAND" YOURSELF on the Internet. You are more complex than a single label and it takes time to get to know people's complexities. Don't give people an excuse to think of you in a single dimensional way. Most Importantly, whatever you put up there will get cached by search engines forever and ever - do you really want that up there for ever and ever?
- Harriton High School Used Apple Laptop Webcams To SPY On Students
At Home Dick and Jane Primer for School Administrator Dummies and the Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow Nightmare - "Teens are blogging everyday, reaching an audience of millions," ... the tools they need to blog legally, and understand how to defend their rights."
- EFF's "Legal Guide for Bloggers" is a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQs) designed to educate bloggers about their legal rights in a number of areas, including libel law, copyright law, and political advocacy. The guide will help bloggers understand the basics about the laws that affect them so they can better protect and defend their rights. Schools can respond to off-campus harmful speech in a very limited way based on the Tinker Standard which says that schools can only punish the student with formal discipline in cases where the school can show (reasonable proof) that the what got posted (off-campus speech) will have a substantial and material disruption with the work of the school or the safety and security of students.
- Weblogs - AT ISSUE Student Blogs, School Cracks Down
Find Blogs used to Bully Kids and 11/28/05, - Here's kind of a funny, kind of spooky off-topic myspace.com anecdote - Hate in Online Networking
Enemybook, Snubster allow Facebook users to link up with their nemeses. Kevin Matulef, who is doing a doctoral thesis on algorithms at MIT, designed Enemybook, a software application that lets people list enemies below friends on their personal Facebook page. He describes the program as "an antisocial utility that disconnects you to the so-called friends around you." Enemybook is one of several new online applications developed by computer-savvy twentysomethings who say they are tired of bogus online friendships. In a dig at the notion of virtual networking, they hope to encourage people to undermine, or at least mock, the online social communities sites such as Facebook were designed to create. - Principal sues ex-students over MySpace profiles 2007
No safety czars on Stickam.com, a continuous self-produced reality TV show starring [users] themselves which is building a business by showing unfiltered live broadcasts from Web cameras and hosts live video chat for users. There are also video-hosting sites without a lot of rules. Besides Paris-based DailyMotion.com there is the London-based LiveLeak, which "has positioned itself as a source for reality-based fare like footage of Iraq battle scenes and grisly accidents."
- How and why do you Integrate Technology into the Classroom?
- FLICKER - social networking with tags but it's all about photographs that are public for all to see whose purpose is that people with similiar interests can connect. Like Marissa Mayr of Google leading to Global X
- MySpace Codes -
Here is a website offering kids the code needed to hide information .
MySpace codes to help you tweak your myspace profile
If the codes messes up your profile, use "SAFE MODE" to edit / remove the code - Meet some of the Folks responsible for creating social software web 2.o stuff like Alex Bosworth, designer of SWiK working of social software like zoka and Bram Cohen author of Bittorrent and CodeVille.
- BlogSafer Wiki
Anonymous Blogging Guides in English, Arabic, Chinese and Persian.
BlogSafer Contains a Series of Guides on How to Blog Under Difficult Conditions in Countries That Discourage Free Speech - outlines steps a blogger in a repressive regime can take, and tools to use, to avoid identification and arrest. These range from common sense actions such as not providing identifying details on a blog to the technical, such as the use of proxy servers.
"A repressive regime trying to still free speech first goes after and shuts down independent print and broadcast media," said Curt Hopkins, project director of Spirit of America's Anonymous Blogging Campaign. "Once that is done, it turns its attentions to online news sites. As these outlets disappear, dissent migrates to blogs, which are increasing geometrically in number and are simple to set up and operate." In the past several years at least 30 people have been arrested, many of whom have been tortured, for criticizing their governments. This trend is likely to increase in the coming year. SNIP - xanga.com
- myspace.com
- livejournal
- my diary
- open diary
- diaryland
- YouTube.com, Google Video, iFilm.com, AddictingClips.com, stumbleupon.com
- faceparty.com
- esnips.com - must be 13 get 1 gig upload anything
- Seeking teens, marketers take risks by emulating MySpace
- Social Maps http://platial.com/splash with tags
Watch the video hear the NPR story about it at - Social Music Revolution Last.fm - then submit listening data to it
- Over come Censorship with text messages
Financial Literacy - NetworthIQ, allows people to record their net worths and display the ups and downs for anyone to view. Most people who share their data do so anonymously, but Kincer posts a link to his personal Web site, where he uses his real name. Kincer especially liked that the site allowed him to compare himself with others. It appealed to the Mega Man player in him. “NetworthIQ is kind of a game,” he said. “Can I get ahead of everyone? Can I be up there with the big shots?” Net worth is the number you get when you subtract what you owe from what you own. You start with things like cash on hand, retirement savings and home equity and subtract your mortgage, as well as credit-card, student-loan and other debts. Net worth paints a bigger picture than income; it rewards the saver and reveals the drain that big borrowers put on their finances. And it vividly reminds people who think only in terms of monthly payments that their debts may be with them for a good long while.
We need to teach entrepreneurial skills not business manager skills. We need e-school -- not b-school. Skills in demand when it comes to the job. Need Money to Start - How to and Where to get the first investors
U.S. Students Need 21st Century Skills to Compete in a Global Economy Oct.
10, 2007
A new, nationwide poll of registered voters reveals that Americans are deeply concerned
that the United States is not preparing young people with the skills they need to compete in the global
economy. An overwhelming 80 percent of voters say that the kind of skills students need to learn to be
prepared for the jobs of the 21st century is different from what they needed 20 years ago. Yet a majority of
Americans say that schools need to do a better job of keeping up with changing educational needs. The
poll was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Peter D. Hart Research Associates on behalf of the
Partnership for 21stCentury Skills.
- Eighty-eight percent of voters say they believe that schools can and should incorporate 21st century skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving skills, computer and technology skills, and communication and self-direction skills into their curriculum.
- Sixty-six percent of voters say they believe that students need more than just the basics of reading, writing and math; schools alsoneed to incorporate a broader range of skills.
- Fifty-three percent say they believe schools should place an equal emphasis on 21st century skills and basic skills.
- Chris Lehman speech about Schools Need to Change. Principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, PA.
Social Media's Power
From 21 Century skills learned and practiced from K-16
these are the skills in demand when it comes to the job.
Definition of 21st Century Literacy:
3 videos on managing info overload: Infotention http://bit.ly/5k9wMS - http://bit.ly/89uI0R
- http://bit.ly/bw8yyI
The term "social media" first began to coalesce around 2003 to describe the impact of personal media and opinion through the emergence of low-cost publishing platforms. It was a term we adopted. We are rapidly moving to a post-social media world, where all media is social, and brands and businesses recognize its power to influence the entire enterprise.
Social media's power is profound and can strongly impact a wide range of use cases
within brands, including risk management, media, product life cycle management, customer care, HR, market
research, and innovation. There is a clear disconnect between the common association of the term
media" with what it can actually do. Social Media is adopted as core to corporate strategy and not just
another marketing channel. Social media is driving greater collaboration and forcing organizations to
reexamine their business processes so they can be agile enough to react to the real-time social intelligence
being infused into the organization.
The primary value of social media doesn't come from the tactics or the technologies, many of which are
transitory, but from infusing its value across the enterprise to drive real and sustainable business
advantage. And the examples of its power are tangible. HP, for example, said that it saved $10 million in
center costs by infusing social listening into customer service. Procter & Gamble reported that nearly
half of its innovation is coming from outside the company through forms of social engagement, like its
InnoCentive initiative. IBM is infusing ongoing real-time social intelligence across the organization for
myriad use cases. This is about business redesign. It is also about the application of the social sciences.
our view, social media is about the evolution of human communication.
Cultural anthropology, sociology, psychology, and linguistics matter in marketing again. Concepts like
"social framing," whereby individuals often perceive issues through the prism of their friends,
starting to help us rethink the way we communicate and the ways people gather, act, and synthesize
information. Rethinking social organization through social media is beginning to have a transformative
on governments and businesses.
Online Credibility Assessment
Information-seeking process figures into the final evaluation of content people encounter. Using unique
about how a diverse group of young adults looks for and evaluates Web content, our paper makes
to existing literature by highlighting factors beyond site features in how users assess credibility. We
that the process by which users arrive at a site is an important component of how they judge the final
destination. In particular, search context, branding and routines, and a reliance on those in one's
networks play important roles in online information-seeking and evaluation. We also discuss that users
differ considerably in their skills when it comes to judging online content credibility. Full Text: PDF
Keywords: Credibility, Internet, Users, Web, Branding, Trust, Search, Information-Seeking, Media
Known brands were essential signifiers of quality for respondents, and seem to serve as an important part
users' daily information-gathering routines. However, not all name brands were trusted equally. Web
sites from educational organizations and government entities were often trusted more than the average
commercial site. We find evidence of users' trust in search engines with respect to the credibility of
information they find when using these services. To complete many of the assigned tasks, students often
turned to a particular search engine as their first step. When using a search engine, many students
on the first search result. Over a quarter of respondents mentioned that they chose a Web site because the
search engine had returned that site as the first result suggesting considerable trust in these services.
some cases, the respondent regarded the search engine as the relevant entity for which to evaluate
trustworthiness, rather than the Web site that contained the information. Students often did not
those results with regard to who authored the information they found through searching and ended up using
complete the tasks at hand. Going to a specific search engine like Google or Yahoo! was regularly the
step in the information-seeking process and students made this clear in the way they referred to the
of using such a service.
Tags give you subject related Metadata
Tags add value to the giant piles of data that are already out there. What are tags? Thousands of members use tags to give some contextual meaning to more than 3.5 million pictures that might otherwise get lost in the shuffle. You can give your photos a "tag", which is like a keyword or category label. Tags help you find photos which have something in common. Let folks loose categorizing their own stuff on their own terms.
Tag Defintion - example of system:media:audio
system:something:specific taxonomy
K12 |FINANCIAL LITERACY|Del.icio.us - is a social bookmarks manager using Tags are one-word descriptors that you can assign to any bookmark. Tags can't contain quotation marks or whitespace, but are otherwise unrestricted. You can assign as many tags to a bookmark as you like, and rename, delete, add or merge tags together. Joshua Schachter began del.icio.us, a way for people to store and share their favorite Web-browsing bookmarks online. Instead of organizing them himself, or even creating a standard taxonomy of categories, Schachter used something called user tagging people simply labeled the bookmarks by any name they wanted, and eventually the group as a whole effectively voted on them by either adopting those tags themselves or rejecting them.
"FOLKSONOMY" Thomas Vander Wal, the information architect credited with coining the term.
Furl, MetaFilter and the blog index Technorati are generally considered
trailblazers. Other ways businesses can get value out of Twitter is competitive research, lead
generation and media relations. You can research competitor accounts and their followers. You can sometimes
identify which followers are their customers and prospects and try to engage with them yourself, when
appropriate. Be careful not to push an advertisement on them too soon.Tweetdeck can be used to search on
that are relevant for the business and identified potential leads which they pass to sales.
From a PR perspective, you can follow and try to engage members of the media, bloggers, and other subject
matter experts who write about your industry. Compliment them on articles they write, pitch them new ideas
write about. If you can build a relationship, maybe they will write about you.
Bloom's Taxonomy and the Digital World - Open Education.net 2008
Bloom's Taxonomy, developed in the 1950's, expresses thinking and learning through a set of concepts
that begin with lower order thinking skills (LOTS) and build to higher order thinking skills (HOTS).
Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, constructed over the last 15 years, turns these words into different phrases.
the revised taxonomy, verbs are used rather than nouns to express the concept. The revised taxonomy begins
with the word remembering before moving to understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating.
Perhaps most importantly, there has been a general consensus of a change at level five and six, with
evaluating being seen as a lower level to that of creating.
Normal ordinary humans = FOLK
Classification = TAXONOMY
SEE Taxonomy Community of
Practice (TaxoCOP)
FOLKSONOMY - According to various speakers at Online, folksonomies and tagging are becoming increasingly important. Web 2.0 presents exciting opportunities for networked information of the future - see The Hive Mind . "Many recently developed concepts and technologies are seen as contributing to Web 2.0, including weblogs, wikis, podcasts, rss feeds and other forms of many to many publishing; social software, web APIs, web standards, online web services, AJAX, and others.").
- See popular tags used for music
- Music: Music Business Success Stories Social Music Revolution
- Tag #CyberPlayGround
Social media releases are a Web 2.0 take on the traditional news release. They feature
links, video and photos and are perfect for use on Facebook or other social media sites. Use PitchEngine,
Marketwire and PRWeb they also have social media release builders for targeting online audiences.
Calling all bloggers can organizing a video meeting and inviting bloggers in addition to traditional
media. Instead of pitching traditional media, you might also consider straight pitching to
with whom you have or are trying to cultivate a relationship. Granting exclusivity on breaking news to
bloggers whose sites receive lots of hits is a great way to cement relationships and make sure your news is
seen by the masses.
Tweet It. If your company or client has a strong Twitter network. Bypass the media
and craft a 140-character news brief. If you have reporters who follow you on Twitter, I would also suggest
tweeting the news @ them. If it's specific to their beat you just made their life that much easier, if
it's not, you run the risk of annoying them a creating a reputation for yourself as a spammer, so
Do It Yourself on YouTube. Don't wait for members of the media to contact you for a
statement from your company on a recent announcement. Instead, consider shooting video of your CEO or a
company spokesperson and upload it on YouTube. Then, promote the link on your website, social media pages
share a link with members of the media.
PODCASTING A podcast is a radio show that listeners subscribe
to online. Podcasts are a unique combination of subscription and publication.
VIDEOBLOG / VLOGS Video blogging Broadcasting Software
RSS THERE IS NOTHING SIMPLE ABOUT RSS IT IS DIFFICULT. RSS: podcasts are syndicated, meaning listeners just have to find them once, and receive them every time a broadcast is issued.
SMART MOBS A new form of social coordination made possible by the usage of modern technology, in particular the Internet and wireless devices.
WIKI "the simplest online database that could possibly work."
#social networks
#facebook privacy