WwwFetch E-mail Gateway Help
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 1997 04:02:00 +0300
From: info@netmor.com
To: cash1@jeflin.tju.edu (my first email address from 1991 )
Subject: WwwFetch E-mail Gateway Help
WwwFetch E-Mail Gateway
The WwwFetch E-mail Gateway allows to fulfil e-mail queries to the WwwFetch utility that is originally located at http://linux.netmor.com/wwwfetch/. The query results can be either sent via e-mail (MIME or uuencoded ZIP file) or stored at anonymous ftp site (URL ftp://linux.netmor.com/wwwfetch/).
You should send your message to wwwfmail@linux.netmor.com. Depending on the 'Subject:' field parameter, the following action is implemented:
1. 'Subject:' field contains the word 'query' -- the routine procedure is implemented
2. 'Subject:' field contains the word 'info' or 'help' -- this file is sent back.
3. 'Subject:' field contains the word 'remove' -- your email address is removed from the distribution list.
For querying, the following options are available and should be written in the body of a message (without any brackets!):
Query: <Search Pattern>
URL: <additional URLs separated by spaces>
Images: [Yes/No]
OS: [Dos/Win3.x or UNIX/Win95/Mac]
Files: < # of files <=10 >
Limit: < # of MBytes <= 1.0 >
Send: [No or MIME or UUE]
Split: <size in KBytes>
e x p l a n a t i o n
1. Query:
A Boolean search pattern can be written here. Example:
Clinton OR Dole NOT Perot
2. URL:
Not more than 10 extra URLs are allowed to be added here. It is better to add one line for each URL.
3. Images:
Options are 'Yes' (retrieve images) or 'No'. Default: 'No'.
4. OS:
Options are 'DOS' (filenames have 3-letter extension, e.g. 'index.htm')
or 'UNIX' (filenames have generally no limits on extension length).
Those using Windows3.x can select 'DOS' while Windows95 and Mac users
can select 'UNIX'. Default: 'DOS'.
5. Files:
Number of files to retrieve. Less or equal than 15. Default: 5.
6. Limit:
Upper limit to the total size of files (in MBytes). Less or equal
than 1.0 MBytes. Default: 0.5.
7. Send:
Options are 'No' (do not send ZIP file via e-mail), 'MIME' (send
base64-encoded ZIP file), and 'UUE' (send uuencoded ZIP file).
Default: 'No'.
8. Split:
Specifies the maximum size before splitting into parts (in KBytes).
Only for MIME mails. Default: 10000.
ATTENTION: all parameters are case-insensitive except of 'Query:'!!!
Parameters 'Query:' or 'URL:' are mandatory, i.e., one of these two MUST be included for querying. The others are optional. Note that the order of parameters is unimportant.