Donate to the National Children's Folksong Repository
From a Tiny Hum came the Big Bang. Sound waves were the cosmic match that ignited the Big Bang that exploded the universe out of the primordial nothingness.
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John Broomall Executive Director
Pennsylvania Alliance For Arts Education
[P] 800-782-4289 or 610-564-0002
If you are interested in Arts Education, Children's Health, and Society the National Children's Folksong Repository is a public folklore project will preserve what is left of our oral culture.
Children in the United States aren't singing the songs of their heritage, an omission that puts the nation in jeopardy of losing a longstanding and rich part of its identity. Use this site to donate your song or chant. Support the THE NCFR CAUSE
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- Believers
- Awards
- Video Reference Points
Mr. Allan Slutsky a BelieverStanding In The Shadows of Motown Producer, Musician, Author, Grammy Winner |
Smart e-Pants Award given for Donations of time and Skill
Completely Created by NCFR Volunteers
Press Release "Going To Kentucky"
Brimm Medical Arts High School *Students:
Dwaine Williams, Anthony Davis, Jonathan Santiago, Ashley Abel, Zakia Ashley, Latasha Gaylord, Yelitza
Carrire, Marsha Tatum, Shaneka Wyles, Zakia Ashley, Desiree Gonzalez, Ashley Abe, Yelitza Carrire,
Teaira Edwards, Latasha Gaylord, Anthony Davis, Quatonya Brittingham, Ashley Clark Song
The Chant is the Heart Beat of culture - a universal truth.
Funk Brothers - Standing In The Shadows Of Motown
Folk Music - The Big Picture and Overview
Origins of Folk Music - meet Dr. Alan Jabbour
Origins and History Of Nursery Rhymes
Meet Allan Lomax says [". . .Rhymes that have been rubbed clean and hard against the bone of life, whose stories are rooted in an eternity of time."][ ". . . Jingles, riddles, silly ballads, wistful lullabies, jiggy tunes and game songs"] belong to the children of America and reflect a composite character of the common people residing in the United States.
Integrate Folklore, Music, & Traditional Culture Into K-12 Education
Instinct For Play - Play and Intelligence
John Rickford - Learn about Rhythm Syllables and the connection between rhythm and literacy.
Literacy and the rhythmic structure of human speech communication, speech and music connection and Interdisciplinary Social Rhythm Researchers.
" Knowledge is limited. Imagination is more important than knowledge. I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination encircles the world."