Educational CyberPlayGround ®


University librarian Resources for research and instructional services



Powerful Search Tool Permits Access to Corporate Annual Reports and SEC Documents by accessing the website of 10K Wizard 2.2

World Bank Database (known as JOLIS)
Features Includes references to books, journal titles, journal articles, working papers, conference proceedings, technical reports, videos, software, electronic resources, and more Includes references to published IMF and World Bank materials Codes identify individual libraries which own materials (See below for a list of codes) Easy-to-use search interface Search by keyword, author, title, subject, date,date range, material type, language or a combination Advanced searching using adjacency operators (ADJ, NEAR), and single and multiple character truncation Mark selected records for e-mailing, printing, or downloading Use hypertext links to other item records, or to Web sites For detailed information about this database (catalog)


The Economic Time Series Web Page enables its user to access Over 100,000 data files, with charts and excel files for each.
Economic statistics can be found from this website for data topics and resources such as interest rates, consumer credit, Federal Reserve Banks, retail sales, labor force amd employment, national accounts statistics, gross domestic product, industrial production, electric power use, stock prices, public debt and more. Statistics are available in at least some of these areas for the United States at the city, state and national level and international data files are also available at this information laden website.

Internet Resource Catalogue

BUBL LINK Catalogue of Internet Resources
The master page for this tremendous and carefully selected world of information resources.

Library and Information Science


Preservation of materials and microfilming to preserve materials is a very important area of library science. There is for example a discussion group of library preservation administrators that is operated under the auspicies of the

American Library Association:
ALCTS PARS Preservation Administration Discussion Group
Information on how to join this group is given on the page linked above. To find many more potentially helpful websites and groups in this area, including sources of grant money for such a project, I recommend several searches in the Google search engine, each done without the quotation marks. Once you have established from this search some good leads to key library collections and groups focused on preservation, make contact by telephone or email and see if at one of these organizations, you can get that institution interested in your materials and their preservation.

New York State library preservation grants
For more information about the Conservation/Preservation Program or its activities write to:
Barbara Lilley ( [v]518-474-6971
Conservation/Preservation Program Officer
New York State Library
Library Development
10C47 Cultural Education Center
Albany, NY 12230

State Education Department Grants Available to Help New York's Libraries Improve Access to Information

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