Differences Discovered Based On Social Economic Status
Early Child Gesture Show Important Link To School Preparedness Children who convey more
meanings with gestures at age 14 months have much larger vocabularies at 54 months than children who convey
fewer meanings and are accordingly better prepared for school, according to
research at the University of Chicago published in the journal Science on Friday, Feb. 13.
The research showed that the differences particularly favored children from higher-income families with well-educated parents and may help explain the disadvantages some children from low-income families
face upon entering school, said Susan-Goldin Meadow, who co-authored the study
with fellow psychologist Meredith Rowe.
"Vocabulary is a key predictor of school success and is a primary reason why children from low-income families enter school at a greater risk of
failure than their peers from advantaged families," said Goldin-Meadow, the
Beardsley Ruml Distinguished Service Professor in Psychology at the University and a leading expert on gesture.
When toddlers point a lot, more words will follow
Baby Sign language - Babies Can Learn Words as Early as 10
Although scholars have realized that families of higher income and education levels talk more with their
children and speak to them in complex sentences, the new study is the first to connect gesture, vocabulary
and school preparedness.
To study the differences in gesture among families, Goldin-Meadow and Rowe, a Postdoctoral
Scholar at the University, studied 50 Chicago-area families from diverse
economic backgrounds. Their results are reported in the Science article,
"Differences in Early Gesture Explain SES Disparities in Child Vocabulary
Size at School Entry," for which Rowe is lead author.
They recorded video of children and primary caregivers for 90-minute sessions
during ordinary activities at home. The researchers found that differences in gesture appeared early among
children; moreover, differences in child gesture could be traced to differences in parent gesture.
Babies exposed to sign language babble with
their hands
Baby sign language works by teaching basic concepts like eat, milk, bathroom, all done and more.
Learn Signs
Their vocal cords aren't developed yet, edit, but they know what they want to say, and they know what they need. Parents can teach their infants starting at about
six months associating things and actions, with signs
"It is striking that, in the initial stages of language learning when SES (socioeconomic status)
differences in children's spoken vocabulary
are not yet evident, we see SES differences in child gesture use," Rowe said. "Children typically do
not begin gesturing until around 10 months. Thus, SES differences are evident a mere four months, and possibly even sooner, after the onset of child gesture production."
Fourteen-month-old children from high-income, well-educated families used gesture to convey an average of 24 different meanings during the
90-minute session, while children from lower-income families conveyed only 13. Once in school,
students from higher-income families had a
comprehension vocabulary of 117 (as measured by a standardized test), compared to 93 for children from lower-income families.
Some of the robust differences in child vocabulary development at 54 months are
likely to come from parents in higher-income groups using gesture to communicate
more different meanings when their children were 14 months, the paper said.
ADULT Auditory Learner:
Among the different learning styles, auditory learner will be a person who learns best through listening or when there is an auditory input from the background. They tend to love lecture sessions as they can comprehend it better than reading a book or else by looking at a picture or a diagram. If it is useful, integrate singing or rhythmic wordings to assimilate more auditory input in the learning process.
"Knowledge is retained longer if children connect not only aurally but emotionally and physically to the material..."
Multiple intelligence, learning styles, teach reading, oral tradition, tactile intelligence
Multiple Intelligence for the 21st Century
Memphis City Schools has implementing a Multiple Intelligence type curriculum.
"If more administrators were tuned to brain research, scientists argue, not only would schedules change, but subjects such as foreign language and geometry would be offered to much younger children."
"Lectures, work sheets and rote memorization would be replaced by hands-on materials, drama and project work. And teachers would pay greater attention to children's emotional connections to subjects.... . ."
"Plato once said that music "is a more potent instrument than any other for education." Now scientists know why. Music, they believe, trains the brain for higher forms of thinking."
"Then there's gym -- another expendable hour by most school standards. Only 36 percent of schoolchildren today are required to participate in daily physical education. Yet researchers now know that exercise is good not only for the heart. It also juices up the brain, feeding it nutrients in the form of glucose and increasing nerve connections -- all of which make it easier for kids of all ages to learn."
Music and gym would be daily requirements.
Interdisciplinary Education and Educational Methods MUSIC ABOUT
SCIENCE. science-themed material
1992 "Culture, Music, and Collaborative Learning" in The Politics of Culture and Creativity Vol. 2 of Dialectical Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Stanley Diamond, Christine W. Gailey, ed. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
Keil, Charles and Steven Feld. 1994. Music Grooves. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Campbell, Patricia. 1998. Songs in Their Heads: Music and Its Meaning in Children's Lives. New York: Oxford Univ. Press
McNeill, William. 1995. Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press.