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Digital Books - what will be knowable about readers in the future.
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The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period
This is a magisterial treatment describing the English (primarily) long durée and illustrating the way
controls on publication, whether by government (various copyright regimes and concepts of intellectual property)
or through marketplace decisions (prices, print runs, and so on) controlled and affected access to print. St
Clair looks particularly at the political economy of reading as a complex system and seeks to reveal the way
reading helped to shape mentalité: “…we conceive of a culture as a complex developing system with many
independent but interacting agents, including authors and readers, into which the writing, publication, and
subsequent reading of a printed text were interventions…” (6). Each of the twenty-two chapters offers an
assimilated presentation of data available in the thirteen appendices, allowing for unusual transparency.
For folklorists and ethnomusicologists, the material throughout the book on ballad and broadside publication,
their frequent circulation by chapmen, is of particular interest (see also Appendix 4: Intellectual property.
Popular literature, England) and certainly interrogates orthodox definitions of the ballad. Chapmen were mostly
literate and often used this job as an upwardly mobile occupation, as a means of leaving agriculture. They
could, of course, carry only small, light items; and broadsides of all types — abbreviated versions of
Shakespeare, the Bible, as well as the familiar broadside ballads — were not only easy to carry but were
relatively inexpensive. And, of course, “the more common and less expensive a printed text was when it was
produced, the greater its readership and the poorer its survival rate to the present day” (28). This statement
suggests that survival rates must be amplified by other resources such as the Stationer's Register, a form
of government control, to acquire a more accurate view of materials published.
Whatever the text — poetry, fiction, sermon, or ballad — the text was the capital asset (to which the physical
plant was added as an additional asset when printing was introduced). To make money, printers had to keep other
publishers from printing the same work: they had then to acquire/own the copyright and they needed in turn
government enforcement of that ownership. To print was, in fact, to own: ballad singers might sing or give a
copy to a printer: he would pay them, thus acquiring ownership, and then license the new acquisition with the
Stationer's Company. From 1624, there was a cartel of ballad publishers designated the Ballad Partners. What
this means is that “much of what is now called popular culture” was privatized, creating problems for other
ballad singers, and tended to valorize one particular version/text. The first to print owned the copyright, and
initially that meant having a monopoly in perpetuity. The same books, pamphlets, ballads and broadsides were
printed and reprinted for a period of two hundred years.
The center for ballad publication was Aldermary Churchyard, near the so-called Ballad Warehouse. While texts
were reprinted over and over again, they were sometimes reprinted with different llustrations. Print runs were
various: 1-2000 for chapbooks, 2-4000 for ballads. Extant catalogues give titles, but not full texts, for these
materials which remained mainstream into the early 19th century. Bishop Percy himself got materials from the
Warehouse. St Clair suggests that “what was recovered by the 'romantic revival' was not an oral and
performative popular tradition stretching back into the mists of time, but a continuous privately owned print
tradition that had never been interrupted” (346); if he is correct, then many of the old verities of ballad
scholarship will need revision. He goes on to suggest that this material was replaced in the 19th century by
newly composed texts made available by a shift in copyright regime: the new materials often included morally
improving, reformist literature, freely circulated by chapmen who were paid to spread the word.
Several shifts in intellectual property rights' regimes effected what could be published. At the end of the
seventeenth century, authorial rights were first asserted, giving the author control for fourteen years (and
then fourteen more): in order to be published, however, authors often sold their copyright to the printer who
set prices and controlled what was published. The earlier perpetual copyright was thus eliminated and “the huge
corpus of traditional stories, poems, and songs, which had been appropriated into private ownership in the early
years of printing were returned to unrestricted common public use” (115). Publishers, of course, fought back:
their livelihoods depending on their ownership of texts: at first they wanted fourteen years, plus fourteen
years or the author's life; then the author's life plus forty-one. Eventually the new copyright regime
came to be applied only to newly published materials: new works were expensive and their price limited their
circulation. Older works, the old canon, were cheaper and more available and thus remained dominant in
influencing mentalités.
By the Romantic period, four kinds of contracts between printer and author had come into being: the publishers
favored the tried and true—that is buying and thus owning what an individual had created. Sometimes, however, an
author would agree to sell the copyright to a publisher for a limited period of time, for a certain print run.
Other arrangements might involve the printer and author sharing both expense/earnings. And sometimes authors had
their works printed on commission. While London and Edinburgh had long been the centers of publication,
provincial centers began to proliferate. Wherever printing occurred, texts were printed in multiples of 250 and
sold in paper wrappers: subsequently the owner might have the pages bound in leather and then even trimmed.
Verse long remained the dominant format with Scott's “Lay of the Last Minstrel” being a favourite, later
replaced by the Waverley novels when prose fiction came into fashion.
St Clair suggests that the number of items/books sold does not immediately indicate the numbers actually read,
for there is the multiplier effect of circulating libraries, reading societies, extended families, and other
forms of informal sharing. Sharing is the operative word as reading in the Romantic period was an act of
sociability, a group enterprise, rather than a solitary activity, and involved repetition and memory.
Because of the intellectual property regime, the general reading public in the Romantic period did not have
access to works by contemporaries because works of a number of Romantic authors were not congruent with
mainstream ideology; the works were expensive and printed in limited editions. They became widely available
after 1837, in the Victorian Age. Instead, the mass of the reading public was reading the accumulated material,
the old canon, texts that were reasonably priced because they were no longer held in copyright and because there
were often competing editions of individual works. Cumulatively, these older works expressed a belief in the
sublimity of poetry, of nature, even of war, a valuing of heritage, contributing to a generally shared
St Clair thus describes a system of who got to read what and why—the prices, the intellectual property regimes,
the cost of publishing being relevant factors. He shows “how the reading nation came to be divided into
overlapping layers of readers, differentiated not only by income, by socio-economic class, and by educational
attainment, but by the degree of obsolescence of the print to which each layer had access” (437). He concludes
by interrogating the enormous effort expended today in keeping people from having access, from copying. And his
work provides interesting points for consideration around the issue of the copyright of traditional materials.