Music Waves and Legal Music Downloads. Learn to embed sound.
Wavs Legal music to enhance your videos.
K12 Public Education Wave Resources
EMBED add sound src=sample.wav, samples, loops,
Sound Effects, to your site.
Fun Waves | |
Roberts Wrestling Wavs | |
WaveQueen | |
Joe's Original Wave Files | |
Archive Audio from the 1900's onward. |
Movie Sounds |
Find a Sound - lets you search the Web for sound effects and sample sounds for audio files based on how they sound. You can even create your own sounds and use them to find similar sounds on the Web.
Presentation Helper - You can download these powerpoint sound clips to add into your Power Point presentations. They are available in both mp3 and wav format. How to Add sound to your power point.
Free Instrumental and more You can choose music by feel/style and also you can choose the length of the clip. compiles lists of FTP sites.
Internet Archive provides hosting for bands willing to go further and ignore the person-to-person-only rule - the bands - and the fans - are eager to allow sharing without anyone making any money. The Grateful Dead says: "The Grateful Dead and our managing organizations have long encouraged the purely non-commercial exchange of music taped at our concerts and those of our individual members _ Our stipulations regarding digital distribution are merely extensions of those long-standing principles and they are as follows: No commercial gain may be sought by websites offering digital files of our music_" For bands whose main audience is the live one, allowing fans live recordings of the previous night's show could be a winner.
New Zealand Folkies Super Search Page
Add Sound
the Right Way
Ever visit a site and receive the alert that your browser is unable to start the midi file? Even though the music is playing??? This is because they haven't coded their page for BOTH Netscape and Internet Explorer, which as usual, never seem to do the same thing the same way. There is a right way to add music to your page that will let it play on either browser without causing the alert message.
How to embed music into your website:
<EMBED src="sample.wav" autostart=true hidden = false loop= false> <NOEMBED> <BGSOUND SRC="sample.wav" LOOP="1"> </NOEMBED></EMBED>
Change the "sample" to whatever the name of your file is, and change the .wav to .mid if you're using a midi file ( in both locations ). Everything else stays the same.
The "loop=false" means the song or sound will play once.
Set it to true if you want it to repeat endlessly, but I don't recommend that. People will soon grow tired of the same song over and over. Once is enough.
The "hidden=false" reveals the midi control panel.
Change it to true if you want to hide the control panel.
I do not recommend hiding the control panel in most cases.
Many people surf with their own listening preference playing.
Your sound file will play through their speakers at the same time their preference is playing, and that's annoying.
Others surf from work and don't want to be found out by music coming from their computer. If they can't turn off the sound they will leave your site.
One last thing, put the code at the bottom of your page. If it's at the top your visitor has nothing to do while it downloads.
Acquire a MIDI file then add it to your own web page
- Create a file titled "Web Audio" on your computer that will hold your html file and your audio resources/assets.
- Click on the MIDI file you found on the web. On the player click and hold the far right triangular button, select "save as source" give the file a name you'll remember with a .mid extension and put it in your newly created "Web Audio" folder.
- Launch Dreamweaver then from the Site menu create a new site called web audio and browse to your web audio folder for its location
- Open a new file/window.
- Put in the title of your new MIDI file.
- Select that text and click on the folder icon next to the link information in the properties inspector.
- Browse to your file and select it.
- Change the objects palette to special and insert a plug-in.
- Browse to the same MIDI file and select it.
- After the plug in insert the name of your MIDI file.
- In the code view window change the side of the player to 144 pixel width X 15 pixel height.
- Save your file as webaudio.html.
- Preview in your favorite browser.
Create an MP3 file using Music Match Jukebox
to add audio to your web page
- Insert your CD in the CD-Rom drive.
- Launch Music Match Jukebox (Windows and Mac MP3 player,encoder and recorder).
- Select the song from the CD you wish to encode to MP3 from the recorder window.
- Click the record button on the recorder window.
- Your newly converted MP3 file can be found in the Music folder found in Music Match Jukebox. Make sure it has .mp3 as the extension.
- Move the file from the music folder in Music Match Juke Box to your Web Audio Folder
- get some kind of music graphic and save it in your web audio folder
- Go back to dreamweaver and change the objects palette to common
- insert the picture of the LP on your web page using the image icon from the objects palette.
- Select the picture and link your new MP3 file to it.
- Save your html file
- Preview in your favorite browser.