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Women Gender Equity International Resources

Women's History Month Special Edition


Equipay - Comedy Hack Day SF 2016 Grand Prize Winner amazingly good, funny & brutal.


2018 Pregnancy Discrimination Is Rampant Inside America's Biggest Companies Many pregnant women have been systematically sidelined in the workplace. They're passed over for promotions and raises. They're fired when they complain. Each child chops 4 percent off a woman's hourly wages, according to a 2014 analysis by a sociologist at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Men's earnings increase by 6 percent when they become fathers, after controlling for experience, education, marital status and hours worked.

2016 6 things to know about the gender pay it also mentions a Glassdoor study that says when compared "like for like" the gap is about a nickel. But then it goes on to say that some industries are much worse than others and the two mentioned are medicine and technology.
An interesting (and disturbing) story about sexual harassment in STEM and the PLOS One journal article on which the above is based Survey of Academic Field Experiences (SAFE): Trainees Report Harassment and Assault

Data on faculty salaries for faculty in computer science and computer engineering departments in North America is included in the annual Taulbee Survey of the Computing Research Association the principal source of information on the enrollment, production, and employment of Ph.D.s in computer science and computer engineering (CS & CE) and in providing salary and demographic data for faculty in CS & CE in North America. Statistics given include gender and ethnicity breakdowns. This material is toward the end of the report. There are extensive breakdowns by type of university. Salaries are not broken down by gender, but other information in the report shows gender distribution of positions. The front part of the report is on student enrollment. How Much Are You Worth may also be of interest because you can find out what money the men are getting. It doesn't apply to all Majors, countries or universities. BUT it's worth checking out.


Social Movement to Ban Female Genital Cutting [FGC] -
Senegal - Mobilised men, who traveled from village to village encouraging communities to sign the Oath of Malicounda pledge that committed those villages to abolish FGC. Process encouraged dialogue and discussion and the introduction of the women's perspective and stories. More than 35 villages have banned FGC. Thanks to Premila Bartlett - PVO/NGO Networks for Health

Dukh Sukh Apney (Our Sorrows, Our Happiness)
Pakistan - a radio drama with a gender equity perspective on reproductive health issues for men and women, empowerment and education for girls and women. Episodes will air in Urdu in March-April. A PCI, UNFPA, Ministry of Population Welfare and Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation partnership. David Andrews

Flame - a network of African sisters online committed to strengthening the capacity of women through the use of ICTs to lobby, advocate and participate in the Beijing +5 process. Serves as an electronic forum to share and exchange ideas, strategies, information and issues of concern. A specific focus on unequal gender access to the new technologies.

Centro de Mujeres Comunicadoras Mayas (Center for Mayan Women Communicators)
Guatemala - center for women to unite and communicate, for self-definition and clarity of purpose, and to develop skills in
communications technology to enable better representation. Activities are determined by the indigenous women who participate.

AWID - The Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID) is an international membership organization connecting, informing and mobilizing people and organizations committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women's human rights.

Model View Culture: AGING IN IT
Ignoring the jobs and the places where a lot of older women IT workers are employed helps to keep us invisible.

Embrace the spirit of Grace Hopper.



- Grace Hopper was 43 years old when she joined the UNIVAC team
- Grace Hopper was 46 years old when she and her team introduced the first compiler
- Grace Hopper was 53 years old when she served as technical consultant for defining COBOL
- Grace Hopper was 61 years old when she began ten years of service as the director of the Navy Programming Languages Group

The 5 Biases Pushing Women Out of STEM
- women surveyed, reported having to prove themselves over and over again - their successes discounted, their expertise questioned.
- Women need to behave in masculine ways in order to be seen as competent—but women are expected to be feminine.
- When professional women have children, they often find themselves running into a wall: their commitment and competence are questioned.
- conflict between different generations of women.
- found plenty of evidence that old-fashioned, explicit racial stereotypes are alive and well.


The Girl Effect, n.
The powerful social and economic change brought about when girls have the opportunity to participate in their society.

Stop Abuse of Women World Wide 2010
Author Sheryl WuDunn spoke at the TED Global conference
: Ending the oppression of women is the great moral challenge of the 21st Century, a cause she compares to fighting slavery in the 19th century and totalitarianism in the 20th Century.

Anita Borg Institute: The 6 Attributes Of High Ranking Women In Tech Mar 2010

The Anita Borg Institute released the results of a survey that seeks to understand why there are so few senior level technical women. Women represented only four percent out of 1,795 surveyed for the report.Here are some extracts from the report that highlights the six attributes held by senior ranking women:

  • Analytical: The majority of senior technical women perceive themselves as analytical. Indeed, all technical employees tend to see themselves as high on this attribute, as technical careers tend to first and foremost look for analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Unafraid to Question/Desire to Learn: A majority consider themselves as questioning - having the ability to ask the right questions, which is critical to problem-solving.
  • Risk-Takers: A majority of senior technical women view themselves as risk-takers, which was identified by technical employees as one of the top four attributes of success. Moderate amounts of risk-taking are an important part of leadership, and senior women and men are equally as likely to perceive themselves as risk takers. This research shatters the stereotype that men are more likely to be risk takers than women are.
  • Collaborative: Senior technical women are collaborators. A collaborative work style is perceived as a critical success factor in high-technology by both technical men and women, and is consistent with a culture that values innovation, which cannot be achieved without extensive collaboration. Collaboration is both a critical source of success but also a great source of career satisfaction.
  • Hard-working/Long Hours: Advancement for senior women comes with long working hours. This finding is consistent with the culture of technology where advancement is tied to increased responsibility and significant availability. This can be a barrier for women who seek advancement while juggling family responsibilities in dual-career couples. 72 percent of the senior technical women surveyed reported cutting back on sleep to advance their careers and nearly a third have delayed having children.
  • Assertive: A majority of senior technical women describe themselves as assertive significantly mmore so than women at the entry and mid levels. In a professional culture that rewards speaking up, self-promotion, and ambition, senior women interviewed uniformly said they had to learn to be assertive and promote themselves in order to advance. However, research also shows that women have less freedom than men in assertive behavior. Because women's assertiveness defy long-standing gender stereotypes, women often experience a “likeability penalty” when they are assertive.

The Rule of 3



This rule is adapted from social science research and the experience of experts in the field of diversity indicating that when three members of a minority group are present, there is a greater tendency for them to express their views and to be heard when they do so.
Most women nod their heads in agreement and recognition when they hear the oft repeated story of

a lone woman who says something in a group meeting and is ignored or shot down. Several minutes later a male colleague offers the same suggestion and receives both praise and acknowledgment for his idea.

This phenomenon typically ceases when three or more women are present. If companies are going to attract and retain women employees and customers, women's views must become part of the on-going conversation and decisions. The rule of three goes a long way toward achieving this outcome. This snippet is included in the context of describing attempts by Deloit to attract and retain women.


The pipeline shrinkage problem for women in computer science is a well-known and documented phenomenon where the ratio of women to men involved in computing shrinks dramatically from early student years to working years [19, 22, 23, 32, 42, 93, 112], also see this issue [24]. During the last decade, considerable research ensued to understand the reasons behind the existence of the shrinking pipeline and in some cases to take action to increase the numbers of women in computing. Through the work of a National Science Foundation funded project [56], ACM's Committee on Women in Computing (ACM-W) has taken a first step towards pulling this research together. A large number of articles was gathered and processed on the topic of women in computing and the shrinking pipeline. The committee created a publicly available online database to organize the references of this body of work by topic, author, and reference information. The database, constantly being updated, is accessible through ACM-W's website . A final report is also available via the ACM-W website which covers current statistics on women in computing, summaries of the literature in the database, and a set of recommendations.The following discussion is a brief synopsis of a subset of the literature review as of August 2001. In addition, you can find statistics on women in computing and recommendations throughout this special issue.



Center for Health and Gender Equity [CHANGE] - a research and advocacy organisation that seeks to integrate concern for gender equity and social justice into international health policy and practice. Initiatives supported include: International Research Network on Violence Against Women; Multi-country study on domestic violence and health; and Men's roles in reproductive health and rights
Jodi Jacobsen

Capacity Building

Strengthening Electronic Communication Capacities of Women's Organisations in Africa - designed by ABANTU. Participatory training methodologies are used to strengthen Connectivity, Content and Capacity, to improve electronic communications between African women's organisations. 4 vthemes: Gender and Poverty; Gender and Conflict; Gender and Governance; Gender and Information Technology. Wanjiru Kihoro


Involving Men in Reproductive Health - CD ROM with 497 documents from around the world about men's participation in reproductive health. Categories include: Gender, Couples, Men & Reproductive Health, IEC & Men and Institutional Influences. No cost to people in developing countries.From JHU/CCP and USAID.
Rick Glasby

Voices for Change - Rural Women and Communication - gender-sensitive communication processes giving rural women a voice to advocate changes in policies, attitudes and social behaviour or customs that negatively affect them. This book includes: 'Communication in a Changing World"; 'Invisible Partners'; Giving Voice to Rural Women'; and, "Looking Towards the Future'. Examples from practice - eg women and beekeeping in the Solwezi District of Zambia. By Silvia Balit in collaboration with the Communication for Development Group at FAO

Preventing Violence against Women - Aims to provide women who are in crisis with practical information on how to get help; and, be a space for activists, researchers and policy-makers working to prevent violence against women to network and share information and resources. Includes analysis ["Understanding Violence against Women] and information on campaigns, laws and internet sites.

Gender Abuse Hinders Development - in Population Reports on "Ending Violence Against Women". Includes a series of action boxes - eg "Applying Communication Strategies to Address Violence"; "how to promote non-Violent Relationships"; and, 'A Framework for Understanding partner Violence". Contact

"Feedback" on programme communication and social mobilisation - magasine of the Gender, Partnerships and Participation section of UNICEF New York. Issues contain a range of information on gender and participation issues. Recent issue included details on Niger ratifying CEDAW, Women in Conflict Zones, Gender focused UNIFEM project on HIV/AIDS and Wise Guys: the Male Responsibility initiative.
Silvia Luciani


"A better deal for women? Why mixing gender equity and anti-poverty strategies can confuse the issues" - development agencies boast the policies etc .. [which].. should provide cause for celebration. However...] by Cecile Jackson - University of East Anglia

"The Structure of Social Disparities in Education: Gender and Wealth" - Uses household datasets to investigate the ways in which gender and wealth interact in generating inequalities - by Filmer, D. Produced by:Gendernet, World Bank (1999)


Gender, Human Rights, Sexuality and HIV - A 2-day satellite conference on women's issues at the XIII international AIDS conference in Durban, South Africa will be held July 9-14, 2000.
Anne-christine d'Adesky

Media and Arts in Coalition against Violence to Women and Girls - was a session at a UNICEF South Asia organised conference - "the Media and Arts play a pivotal role in addressing gender stereotypes and gender violence... They have the potential for supporting activist work to undermine gender equality and stop gender violence as well as to perpetuate and sensationalise the situation. However, as their importance and reach can not be denied, strategies need to be developed to work with the media…" Experiences and ideas for action are contributed by Kunda Dixit, Shanti Diariam, Khalid Ahmed and Viji Srinivisan. UNICEF ROSA

Web Site

Gender Equity Resources -
(Experienced author and gender equity project director Jo Sanders has put together an impressive set of online gender equity resources, including articles she has written, an interactive tutorial entitled Equity in the IT Classroom, and links to relevant web sites. The web links are arranged in six categories: General Education; Math, Science, and Technology; Gender Equity, General; Gender Equity in Math & Science; Gender Equity in Technology; and Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status.)

2005 Women-Related Web Sites in Science/Technology


Women Studies

Women's Studies/Women's Issues Resource Sites
A frequently-updated, annotated, selective listing of more than 500 information-rich web sites that focus on women's studies/women's issues. In addition to the main listing, it has 16 topical sub-sections: Activism, Arts & Humanities, Business/Work, Comprehensive, Girls and Young Women, Health, Higher Education, Internet Info, International, Miscellaneous, Periodicals, Religion/Spirituality, Science & Technology, Sexuality/Sexual Orientation, Sports/Recreation, and Women of Color.

Gender-Related Electronic Forums. A frequently-updated, annotated listing of more than 600 women- and gender-related e-mail lists (also called "listservs").

WMST-L File Collection.
More than 100 files containing discussions from the Women's Studies email forum, WMST-L, as well as essays, interviews, bibliographies, film reviews, and other information that Women's Studies faculty and students should find of great value. It contains 14 subject sections: Books and Films; Feminism(s) (including critiques); Feminist Theory/Theories; Girls and Young Women; Grad School/Job Market; Language; Men; Miscellaneous; Pedagogical Issues and Strategies; Program Administration; Race/Ethnicity; Sexuality/Sexual Orientation; Societal Issues in the Classroom; and WMST-L.

Women's Studies Programs and Research Centers. Links to more than 500 women's studies programs, departments, and research centers around the world. Annotations identify those programs offering graduate degrees or certificates.

Internet Resources on Women: Updates . A frequently-updated, annotated listing of new and changed web sites offering information on women of particular use to educators and students.

WMST-L . Information about this large, international email list for Women's Studies teaching, research, and program administration. Included are a description of the list, a detailed User's Guide, instructions for searching the archives, suggestions for finding someone's email address, links to women's studies syllabi and WMST-L's feminist film reviews, the file collection (see #3 above),
and more.

Financial Aid and Job Opportunities for Women. A small but information-rich set of resources to help women find scholarships, fellowships, and other financial aid for college and grad school and also resources to help them find internships and jobs.

SHAME Trafficking In Women To The United States
2000 - A Contemporary Manifestation of Slavery and Organized Crime [.pdf] This recently released, 70-page report from the CIA's Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI) reveals that as many as 50,000 women and children from Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe are trafficked to the United States each year. Brought in primarily by small crime rings and "loosely connected criminal networks," they are forced to work as prostitutes, servants, and laborers in all regions of the country. The report offers background on trafficking methods and perpetrators, the issues and challenges involved in combatting trafficking, and some suggestions for policymakers. The full text of the report is available in .pdf format at the CSI site. [MD] From the Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2000.