Find your own personal reason to be on the net.
What turns you on? What is personal to you? What do you really want to know about?
You have to understand what it means to you then you'll help other's find what is valuable to them.
That is what this is about, using a computer or a pencil and paper, what does it help you do personally?
whole internet thing is just like having the biggest library on earth.
How to NAVIGATE AROUND a Web Site Top
To get around just point your mouse arrow and click on it. You should go there. If this doesn't work
don't worry, it's not your fault. This Hot Link is probably screwed up for some reason.
First notice the menu above, it is there for you to get back and forth from where you were to where you are
If you get lost in a site cause you forgot how you got there. This happens all the time at first. When you
want to go back to where you were in the beginning, just click the BACK button on your menu that should take
you to the page right before the one you're on now, and so on, until you get back to First page which is
at the beginning.
To go to the beginning immediately, click on the button on the left side of the window that says Home page.
This is pretty much how all the web sites work. Some have a menu at the top, some at the bottom, or side of
the page. If you are reading something very long just scroll up or down to find your way to a menu.
Scrolling happens when you use your mouse to place the cursor on the button on the left side of this screen.
See it? Practice getting your mouse over it then CLICK AND HOLD DOWN THE MOUSE AT THE SAME
TIME now push the mouse along the mouse pad going forward (NORTH ) and then if you want to scroll
down pull the mouse towards yourself (SOUTH).
Very big clue!
Reasons To Play Here and you will
somewhere right on this site. In other words, you stay here on The CyberPlayGround.
tried to have a lot of info located right here to save you time. BUT, you will definitely click on a word
find that this link will take you away from this site, you will leave here and this means you'll have
traveled out through cyberspace to another completely new web site.
Now what do you do? You'll have to learn to click some other buttons to get back to this web site again.
This is really no big deal once you get used to doing it. Anyway the upside is that this is just the
of acquiring life long learning skills which is the best reason to learn to use a computer. Surfing around
part of the fun. You never know what might interest you and where you'll end up or what you can find out
BTW: (By The Way) : - )
These are call smiley's, click if you want to see more stuff about ART
BOOKMARK The Educational CyberPlayGround using the Menu in your Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) and start a file of web site places you want to go back to.
Did you know that you can change your settings?
Under Preferences, set your Web Graphics to use Uncompressed graphics. Then clear your cache and reload the
page...your "fragmentary" graphics should no longer be a problem. Unfortunately, AOL ships their
software with the "Use Compressed Graphics" as the default setting.
Search Engines
You will learn to use search engines,
able to locate high profile people. Email people who you otherwise wouldn't ever get to talk to in a
million years, and all because you can get past their secretary! Forget the old days -- this is the future
boundaries are disappearing. I think the only reason to turn on and use a computer is to be able to
cyberspace, where all the fun is. So, go read up on internet terms.
don't worry be happy, nobody is "fluent" in this language. Things change to fast to keep up
all of it. Remember, if you can throw some of these words around you can fool people into thinking you are a
netizen (citizen of the internet).
Did you turn the computer on? Turn it on, and then GET SOMEONE TO HELP YOU install programs. You can choose a friend, a high school kid, a fellow educator anyone who knows more than you do, ask the Media Specialist or Tech Head in your neighborhood school, someone who understands this stuff. DON'T BE SHY about it, believe me THIS IS HARD FOR EVERYONE! Even the computer heads I know, have to sit there and monkey around with this for hours. It isn't easy. That's because all this stuff is really just at the beginning stages. In 50 years it'll be like The Jetsons cartoon, but right now it's still a really primitive technology. Believe me, I just want to turn this stupid computer on and go to work. It's just like driving a car, all I want to do is put the key in the ignition and go, I don't want to know what's under the hood. And until a computer gets this easy to use, we are all struggling.
Tips for Protecting the Home Computer
- Don't share your computer (on which you pay your bills) with your children (who download games).
- Use a firewall program that warns you about outgoing connections that botnets make to communicate with control software.
- Don't use the same password on more than one financial site.
- Don't let your browser store your password for such sites.
- Don't buy anything offered by a spammer.
- Don't click if someone offers you something too good to be true. It is.
- U.S. Department of Education's Parents Guide to the Internet
- Computer Hacking Results In Armed
Police Raid
You have to make sure your computer is protected from bad things getting into it. See Security
Bad things get inside of your computer and spy on you. Bad things will take over your computer and tell it to do stuff and you don't know it's happenings. You need to potect your computer from bad things with a fire wall. If your computer is working very very very very slowly - you might already have bad things on it and need it cleaned out. Don't run a computer without a firewall or the police may show up at your door one day - no kidding. - Zombie Computers and Zombie Networks
The real vulnerability of the Internet are those home users that are individually vulnerable and don't have the knowledge to protect themselves. They pose a threat to all the rest of us.
The increase is attributable to the rising number of computers in Asia, particularly China, which do not use software to protect against zombies and the worldwide proliferation of high-speed Internet connections. If you don't protect your computer with security software - turn it off when not in use. Security - Learn how to protect your machine from one of these "bots" getting a hold of it without you knowing.
DO NOT do as your mom told you - do not sit up
Avoid problems when sitting in front of a computer. "The longstanding advice to "sit up
straight" has been turned on its head by a new study that suggests leaning back is a much better
Researchers analyzed different postures and concluded that the strain of sitting upright for long hours is a
perpetrator of chronic back problems. Using a new form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), researchers
studied 22 volunteers with no back pain history. The subjects assumed three different positions: slouching;
sitting up straight at 90 degrees; and sitting back with a 135-degree posture—all while their spines were
scanned. "A 135-degree body-thigh sitting posture was demonstrated to be the best biomechanical sitting
position, as opposed to a 90-degree posture, which most people consider normal," said study author,
Waseem Amir Bashir, a researcher at the University of Alberta Hospital in Canada. "Sitting in a sound
anatomic position is essential, since the strain put on the spine and its associated ligaments over time can
lead to pain, deformity and chronic illness." When your nose hits the monitor, you've been sitting
there too long get up and take a break!