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Educational Testing Service


2007 NMSA Research SummaryTechnology and Student Learning
In summary, technology has the potential to improve teaching and learning, but it depends heavily on teachers' purposes in using the technology, under which contexts they use it, and in which ways it is used.

2000 - In the last few days, the national news media have carried coverage of a new study regarding the use and effectiveness of technology in American Schools. The study comes from Educational Testing Service (ETS).

Demo of how this works

The study examines the following questions:

  1. How much technology is in our schools and is it allocated fairly?
  2. How are computers used in schools? Is access equitable?
  3. How can teachers and technology be better connected?
  4. What do we know about the educational impact of technology?
  5. What is the quality of current courseware? Is it related to current educational standards?
  6. What are the costs of deploying technology in our schools


The Information and Communication Industry 2006
revolves around the production, refinement and transfer of information and the methods employed in its distribution. This includes the main companies that communicate the information, as well as those providing support to the industry by providing outlets and servicing the transfer of information. While this cluster accounts for less than 4% of total Pennsylvania jobs, average annual wages were over $20,000 greater than the statewide average.

2008 High Priority Occupations in the Information and Communication Industry Cluster