Reading Rhythm Syllables
Teaching "Whole Music" Literacy
What do Whole-Language
teachers and Music teachers have to learn from one another? (adapted from a Research Forum
article published, 1994, Lanley, BC School District)
When considering "literacy," we often assume that we are considering knowledge
communication through the written word. However, the reading and writing of music are also
communication skills that fall within the notion of "literacy." Music is a kind of language
(some even term it the "Universal Language") with its own logic and syntax. A pedagogy has
evolved to teach the skills of reading and writing music with its own methodology and developmental
and sequence.
From: "Gregg A. Collins" Oct 1997
We use a variety of methods for labeling rhythm figures. We also all agree that if the children internalize the rhythm, it doesn't really matter what we label them....
From: Marcia Oates
My approach is similar. I teach my students a variety of strategies for reading rhythms. For quarters and paired eighths, they use two-syllable and one-syllable words. I let them choose words from specific categories (students' names, favorite foods, etc...). For quarters and halves, we might use the words "long" and "short", or "meow" and "bark", etc.
The key to success is, in my opinion, that the strategy doesn't become an end in itself. As soon as possible, my goal is for students to play rhythms correctly without saying anything. When practicing rhythm reading, we read each example first using the word cues. Then we try to play the rhythm while moving only our lips. The final step is to play the rhythm together, without using any cues at all. Pretty soon, we can drop the cues altogether.
Another fun alternative to drilling rhythm reading is rhythmic dictation. I use a metronome and start with two-note examples, then three notes, then four....
My students are always amazed that they can do this!