Archives of stolen passwords that have been made public over the past few years
The CyLab Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory (CUPS) brings together researchers working on a diverse set of projects related to understanding and improving the usability of privacy and security software and systems. Our research employs a combination of three high-level strategies to make secure systems more usable: building systems that "just work" without involving humans in security-critical functions; making secure systems intuitive and easy to use; and teaching humans how to perform security-critical tasks.
Friends of the CMU Usable Privacy and Security Laboratory - announcements about our papers and events and discussions about usable privacy and security
Computer Security and Usability - This is a mailing list for people who are conducting, or have an active interest in, research on human factors in computer security.
Usable Security Blog from UC Berkeley
Earth science/Geoscience education listservs
Oneonta Listserv
Sign up for Earth Science (ESPIRT), Living Environment (BioForum), Intermediate (5-8) Science (5-8Science),
Physics (Ophun-L), Nurturing Elementary Science Teaching (Nestling), and Chemistry (ChemBond).
Earth Science/Geoscience Education
This web site provides information about Earth science/Geoscience education listservs
the United States. The listservs range from national listservs to regional listservs to specific content
area listservs.
Tue, 5 May 1998
Dear Internet Educators, Good Afternoon,
What is a Listserv?
The Internet provides thousands of discussion groups via e-mail by allowing users to place themselves on electronic mailing lists. A listserv is a program that maintains one or more of these mailing lists (i. e., a list server). The program's task is to automatically distribute each e-mail message sent to the common mailbox by any member of the list to all the others on the list. Listservs maintain thousands of lists in the form of digests, electronic journals, discussion groups and the like.
When you join a listserv, your name and e-mail address are automatically added to the list. Your first email message from the listserv is usually a standard letter of welcome that describes the list's operational procedures. After this message you begin to receive every email message (posting) sent to the list by its members.
You may benefit from the group discussions as a reader only, or join in on the discussion and post messages of your own. You may send messages to the common listserv address, in which case all members of the list will receive your message, or correspond with a single member of the listserv.
To subscribe to a listserv, send an e-mail message to the computerized administrator. Leave the subject field of your message blank. In the body of your message type "sub LISTSERV'S NAME your name".
Arun Tripathi's initial subscription message to the BIODIDAC listserv:
sub BIODIDAC Arun Tripathi
Conventionally, a listserv allows one to unsubscribe from it just as easily as one subscribes. You can unsubscribe (request to be taken off the mailing list) by sending a message similar to your initial subscription message, containing the command to unsubscribe.
Important Facts to Note:
1.Some listservs may fill your e-mail box with 10-30 messages each day. Try subscribing to no more than 2 or 3 different listservs at one time. You can also set your mail to DIGEST, just sending an e-mail to the required listserv in the body of the message as SET <list-name> DIGEST .
2.Do not delete the first welcome message; it usually contains instructions on unsubscribing, among other useful info. You may later need to refer to these instructions.
*Lists of SCIENCE EDUCATION LISTSERVS for Science Educators*
a.)AERA-K Lists -
This lists is about the discussion in teaching and teacher education site at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. To subscribe type "sub AERA-K your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
b.)BI220 - BI220-General Ecology Lists-
This list is about the discussion in the field of general ecology at University of Missouri.To subscribe type "sub BI220 your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
c.)BIOCIS-L Lists-
This list is about the Curriculum and Innovation study in the field of Biology atSmithsonian Institution,Washington, DC, 205060. To subscribe type "sub BIOCIS-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
e.)BIOGUIDE Lists-
This list is about a Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources (moderated) Site at Yale University Computer Center; New Haven, Connecticut To subscribe type "sub BIOGUIDE your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
f.)BIOPI-L Lists-
This lists is about the Secondary Biology Teacher Enhancement PI Site at Kansas State University; Manhattan, KS To subscribe type "sub BIOPI-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
i.)CHEMCHAT Lists-
This list is about the discussion of Student & Professional Chemistry at University of Arkansas Main Campus - Fayetteville To subscribe type "sub CHEMCHAT your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
j.)CHEMCLUB Lists-
This list is about the Chemistry Club Site at University of Missouri-St. Louis. To subscribe type "sub CHEMCLUB your name" in your email message to without thze quotes.
k.)CHEMED-L Lists-
This list is discussion about the Chemistry Education at University of West Florida Pensacola Florida.To subscribe type "sub CHEMED-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
l.)EDRES-DB Lists-
This list is about the Educational Resources on the Internet - Database Site at University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. To subscribe type "sub EDRES-DB your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
m.)EDTECH Lists-
This list is about the Educational Technology at Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 48824-1042. To subscribe type "sub EDTECH your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
n.)ENVINF-L Lists-
This list is about the Environmental Information at University Center of Information services (UCI), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.To subscribe type "sub ENVINF-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
o.)ENVST-L Lists-
This list is about the Environmental Studies Discussion at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.To subscribe type "sub ENVST-L your name"; in your email message to without the quotes.
p.)ESIPLIST Lists-
This list is about the Elementary Science Integration Project at University of Maryland CSC, College Park, MD. 20742-2411. To subscribe type "sub ESIPLIST your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
q.)BIOPI-L Lits-
This list is about the Secondary Biology Teacher Enhancement PI Site at Kansas State University; Manhattan, KS.To subscribe type "sub BIOPI-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
r.)GEOED-L Lists-
This list is about the Geology and Earth Science Education Discussion Forum Site University of West Florida Pensacola Florida. To subscribe type "sub GEOED-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
s.)IMSE-L Lists-
This list is about the Institute for Math and Science Education Site: at University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL. To subscribe type "sub IMSE-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
t.)JCMST-L Lists-
This list is about the JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS IN MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE TEACHING Site at Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN. To subscribe type "sub JCMST-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
u.)CK12TRAIN Lists-
This list is about the West Virginia (WV) K12 Internet Trainers Site:West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing. To subscribe type "sub K12TRAIN your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
v.)MSIRE-L Lists-
This list is about the RI Math & Science Resource Discussion List Site: at University of Rhode Island, Kingston RI 02881. To subscribe type "sub MSIRE-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
w.)NCPRSE-L Lists-
This list is about the Reform discussion for Science Education Site: at East Carolina University, Computing and Info systems, Greenville, NC To subscribe type "sub NCPRSE-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
x.)NETSRCH Lists-
This list is about the Workshops For Grades K-12: Internet Searching for Educators Site at University Computing Services, Indiana University To subscribe type "sub NETSRCH your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
y.)PHYSICS Lists-
This list is about the Physics Discussion at Marist College. To subscribe type "sub PHYSICS your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
z.)PHYS-L Lists-
This list is about the Forum for Physics Teachers Site: University of West Florida Pensacola Florida. To subscribe type "sub PHYS-L your name"; in your email message to without the quotes.
I.)PS085 Lists-
This list is about the PS085-GLOBAL ECOLOGY Site at University of Missouri-St. Louis. To subscribe type "sub PS085 your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
II.)BIOPI-L Lists-
This list is about the enhancement of Secondary Biology Teacher Enhancement PI at Kansas State University; Manhattan, KS. To subscribe type "sub BIOPI-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
This list is bout the Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education Group Site at Queen's University Computing Services. To subscribe type "sub QMSTE-L your name" in your email message to without the quotes.
With Best Wishes
Arun Kumar Tripathi
International Correspondent for The Well Connected Educator
Regular Contributor to (TCWORLD)Technology Coordinator