Kids Find Free Coloring Books and Printables TO COLOR
A great way for kids to learn about the world around them through color.
Scientists have found a woman whose eyes have a whole new type of colour receptor She sees 99 million colours more than the rest of us.
Why do we see the colors we do?
Some of it goes back to the types of color-absorbing pigments that we inherited from bacteria more than a billion years ago. The specific colors we see are, in part, an artifact of bacterial needs. These ancient color-sensing pigments are tuned to two different wavelengths - shorter ones that correspond to blue and longer ones that go with yellows or reds.
A tiny
group of WOMEN can see 'invisible' colors that no-one else can perceive.
H uman tetrachromacy is a color perception
potential arising from the inheritance of X-chromosome-linked human color vision photopigment opsin genes.
Since women have two X chromosomes, they could potentially carry two different versions of the gene, each
encoding for a cone that is sensitive to slightly different parts of the spectrum. In addition to the other
two, unaffected cones, they would therefore have four in total - making them a “tetrachromat”.
Scientists call these people tetrachromats, meaning “four colours”, after the four - rather than three - colour photoreceptors they possess. Birds and reptiles are tetrachromatic, and this is what allows them to see into the infrared and ultraviolet spectra. Human tetrachromats cannot see beyond the normal visible light spectrum, but instead have an extra photoreceptor that is most sensitive to colour in the scale between red and green, making them more sensitive to all colours within the normal human range. Tetrachromats are believed to see 100 million colors as opposed to the 1 million seen by "normal" people. Antico has her own gallery in San Diego, California, where she uses her enhanced vision to create vibrant paintings bursting with color.
The woman with superhuman sight: Scientists say they have found doctor who can see 99 MILLION more colours than average human.
Forget the Goggles: Chlorophyll Eye Drops Give Night Vision
seeing color can be traced back to genetic mutations
From the inside of our heads, it feels as if colors are intrinsic aspects of the outside world and our eyes are beautifully designed to see them. But we humans are merely sampling the possible ways of sensing the spectrum of light. Most of us see more colors than dogs, but miss millions of colors that make up the world for birds, reptiles, and insects.
PODCAST Discuss animals that have WAY more sophisticated vision than us!
The crayola-fication of the world: How we gave colors names, and it messed with our brains (part II)
Agriculture, U.S. Department (USDA)
Guide Coloring Book!
From the Nunavut government and in the national language!
Celebrating Wildflowers Coloring Book -- U.S. Forest Service
Farmers Market Coloring Books -- Agriculture Marketing Service
Food Safety Mobile Coloring Book, USDA
George Washington Carver Coloring and Activity Book
Department of Agriculture Coloring Books
Libro para Colorear y de Actividades -- Farm Service Agency
There are over 300 line drawings of wildflowers on this site.
Smokey Kids: Color It! --
Smokey's Coloring Book -- U.S. Forest Service
Kid's Coloring Page -- National Marine Fisheries Service
Pacific Coral Reef Coloring Book (English, Samoan, Hawaiian) -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Thirstin's Wacky Water Adventures
Superfund for Kids Coloring Book
Commerce, U.S. Department
Billy and Maria: Weather Coloring Books for Children -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Billy and Maria Visit the National Weather Service
- Billy, Maria and the Thunderstorm
- Billy and Maria Learn About Tornado Safety, part 1
- Billy and Maria Learn About Tornado Safety, part 2
- Billy and Maria Learn About Tornado Safety, part 3
- Billy and Maria Learn About Winter Weather, part 1
- Billy and Maria Learn About Winter Weather, part 2
- Billy and Maria Learn About Winter Weather, part 3
Environmental Protection
Endangered Species Picture Book: Save Our Species
EPA Kids Information About
Poster, facts, and coloring book about pesticides.
The Noxious Weed Coloring Book - Noxious Weeds are Everybody's Problem!
FSA for Kids Coloring and Activity Book - Activities and coloring pages that teach the importance of agriculture and the role it plays in our lives.
Health and Human Services, Department of (HHS)
Clinical Center Pediatric Coloring Book -- National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
Coloring Books!: Color Our World Bright and Beautiful -- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
NIEHS Kids' Pages Interactive and Printable Online Coloring Books
Saving Energy with Zippie, Splash, and Sam N. Coloring Book
Farmers Market Coloring Book and Having Fun at Your Local Farmers Market - Includes simple coloring sheets that discuss agriculture, the growing of crops, and visiting a farmer's market.
USDA Food Safety Coloring Book - Learn the basics about food safety with your kids. Packed full of useful information that will teach your kids and you a thing or two about food safety. Plenty of coloring pages to add to the fun.
Local/State governments
Kids Colr Connecticut: Coloring Book Images Featuring Places in Connecticut -- Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development
A to Z: A California Alphabet & Coloring Book -- Farm Service Agency
Arizona Coloring Book - Learn about Arizona and the agriculture contributions the state makes. Has plenty of pictures of horses to color. Fun facts included.
Official Oregon Coloring Book - Coloring story book that teaches the features Oregon people, places and things.
Ohio State Symbol Coloring Book
Wildlife of Pennsylvania Coloring Book
The Washington State Coloring Book - Coloring story book that teaches about Washington state.
Marine Resources
Coastal North Carolina: Activity book [C 55.2:AC 8]
Coast Guard History - Learn about more than 200 years of coast guard hisory.
Thirstin's Wacky Water Adventures - Learn about water conservation and water treatment with this coloring story and activity book.
Chesapeake Bay Activity Book [C 55.2:C 42/4]
Thirstin's Wacky Water Adventures
Superfund for Kids Coloring Book
Pacific Coral Reef Coloring Book (English, Samoan, Hawaiian) -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
A Chesapeake Bay Story - Chessie represents all those creatures that depend on the Bay for food and habitat.
A Salmon's Tale - A coloring book about the natural adventure of the Atlantic Salmon.
Sea Turtles/No No Honu
A Coloring Book in English and Hawaiian
(International Year of the Ocean) -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Birds of the Basins Activity Book - Learn your birds of the Basins and color them as you go. Includes Activities.
Chessie Returns - A coloring story book about Chessie, a friendly Bay monster, which highlights human development as a problem for Cesapeake Bay.
The Coast Guard Safety Dog Coloring Book - Safety tips and adventures of the coast guard.
The True Story of Inky the Whale - Coloring activity book that teaches the importance of protecting our lakes, rivers, streams and oceans from pollution.
The Adventures of Captain Cleanwater - Coloring activity book for kids about clean and safe boating.
Water N Kids Coloring Book - Coloring book that teaches the importance of water safety.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
The Space Place: Coloring Books
Mission to Planet Earth Coloring Book
The Air We Breathe: A Coloring & Activity Book
El Aire Que Respiramos: Un Libro de Actividades
The Air We Breathe - Learn what you and your family can do for clean air coloring and activity book.
Clean Air - Clean air coloring book.
Early Childhood Coloring Pages
Free Printables and coloring books
Kindergarten - Color,
Animal and Shape identification
Free Printable Coloring Pages
Free printable coloring pages for preschool, kindergarten, early childhood kids and children of all ages.
Coloring Pages for Early Education
Turtle Trax pictures that you can color yourself.
Alphabet Coloring Book - Provides the letters of the alphabet to color and with each letter there is a crop grown in California along with a “Fun Fact”.
Flying High on Conservation Coloring and Activity Book - Short coloring and activity book that promotes conservation awareness.
Web of Life Activity Booklet - Activities promoting the awareness that everything large and small are connected.
Family Tree Story Coloring and Activity Book - Teaches about the men and women who work for and are involved in the Forestry industry.
Working Trees Story and Coloring Book - Teaches the importance of trees, and the many jobs they perform in our environment.
Urban Survival Coloring Book - Coloring and activity book on what to do if there is a fire and watching out for hazardous materials.
Storm Drain Dan 2 - Coloring activity book that teaches the importance of keeping storm drains pollution free.
Storm Drain Dan 3 - Coloring activity book that teaches the importance of keeping storm drains pollution free.
Kids Who Care - Coloring and activity book that teaches about recycling, reducing, and reusing.
Recycling Activity Book - Learn about the importance of recycling and keeping our earth clean, activity and coloring book.
Fire Safety Activity Book - This activity book is designed to help children understand basic concepts of fire safety, burn prevention, and emergency procedures.
The ABCs of Good Health - Coloring activity book that teaches the importance of having good healthy habits.
Poison Patrol - Coloring and activity book that teaches about poisons.
Fish, Wildlife and People - Coloring and activity book that teaches how to care for America so that future generations can enjoy it years to come.
Burl the Squirrel - Washington State Department of Transportation coloring and activity book about the I90 project.
Endangered and Threatened Species - Informational coloring book of endangered and threatened species of the lower Columbia River.
Wildlife of Pennsylvania - Information, illustrations, and habitat specific coloring pages for wildlife in Pennsylvania.
Endangered Species Coloring Book - Endanged species coloring and story book from the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
(Free Coloring Books).
Download and Print Coloring Pages Kindergarten.
Free Printable Coloring Worksheets and Kids'Drawing Activities
pictures to print and color-in. Alphabet learning
Free Coloring Pages
for preschool kids has over 1000 coloring pages for you to print and color. Celebrate special occasions or print
color during rainy days. We have coloring pages for all occasions.
Free coloring sheet
Kids Printable Coloring Pages
for every alphabet letter.
Fun printable coloring pages to sing to!
Free Coloring Pages for
Preschool and early childhood
Holiday Pictures, Folk & Fairy Tales, Mythical, Magical Creatures, Animals, Alphabet, etc.
Coloring Pages for
Toddlers, Preschool and Kindergarten.
toddlers, preschool and Kindergarten.
Free Coloring
Worksheets for Kindergarten.
Printable kindergarten worksheets to help prepare your child for first grade, math, pre-writing, fine motor
skills, and thinking skills
December Holidays Around the World Free printables and coloring books
Learn All about color
Helpful Color Schemer for color combinations! and the hard facts about computer machine code and what you'll show others on the screen.