Educational CyberPlayGround ®

Concert Attendence -
Suggestions for Getting the Parents and Kids there

1) daytime only concerts for elementary concerts which were alwayswell attended by the students, but made it difficult for both parents to attend the concert due to employment conflicts.

1) have one evening concert per year per grade level so working parents can enjoy their children's performance.

1) concert dates are sent home toall parents regularly in the Newsletter starting in September,
2) establish all of your district concert dates in the spring of the previous school year to avoid potential conflicts)
3) send notices in your school newsletter on the monthly calendar with a corresponding eye-catching article
4) Personally send a letter home with each child I expect to be participating in the upcoming concert with a corresponding reply note printed at the bottom

a) which the parent is asked to detach, fill out and return to you at school with

b) "Yes, my child will be at the concert" or

c) "No, my child cannot participate in the concert due to ( _____) " clearly indicated with

d) their name, child's name, phone number and classroom teacher's name.

5) Finally, send home a last minute reminder with last minute instructions for those parents who actually check their child's school bag after school each day.