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Curricular Technology Student Competencies Lower School Technology Competencies 1997-1998

by Carol Siwinski, Curricular Technology Specialist, for Germantown Academy

Elementary School Technology Competencies


Students will be able to determine keywords for a search topic, then use search techniques to find information on a topic on the WWW, in CD ROM databases and electronic encyclopedias, and through library resources such as the electronic card catalog and SIRS.

* Students will be able to use search engines to locate relevant information on a topic.

* Students will be able to gather information through e-mail correspondence with "experts" in the field.

* Students will be able to collaborate with peers at GA and remote locations.

* Students will be able to take notes, organize their research in databases, and share their research through multimedia presentations on the web.

* Students will learn to evaluate the quality of technological resources.

* Students will be able to communicate with peers, teachers, mentors, or professionals around the world through real time conferencing


* Students will have a general familiarity with keyboarding

* Students will be able to word process a document, applying styles, spell checking, cutting, pasting, and copying.

* Students will be able to select save and print locations.

* Students will be able to create a multimedia presentation that includes at least two of the following: sounds, text, graphics, animated graphics, or video.

* Students will be able to publish the results of their research and/or creativity on the WWW.


* Students will be able to determine fields for a database.

* Students will be able to create a database.

* Students will be able to enter data on databases, organize information through sorting and matching, and draw conclusions based on patterns.

* Students will be able to enter data on spreadsheets, create different graphs from the data, and draw conclusions based on patterns.

Middle School Technology Competencies


* Students will be able to access and manipulate information from the World Wide Web using a variety of search engines; students will have a basic knowledge of the differences between search engines and which one will help them in a particular project; students will have knowledge of advanced searching techniques to be used with the World Wide Web and various CD-ROM data bases, electronic encyclopedias, and other technology based library resources.

* Students will be able to evaluate the quality of technological resources.

* Students will able to the distinguish between various research data bases, and to apply advanced techniques for conducting successful searches on these data bases.

* Students will use e-mail to communicate and collaborate with other students at GA, students from other schools, and their teachers.

* Students will be able to communicate with peers, teachers, mentors, or professionals around the world through real time conferencing


* Students will meet the keyboarding competencies established for each year of the Middle School.

* Students will be able to apply formatting techniques to word processed documents; they will be able to transfer documents from one program to another and one platform to another.

* Students will present research or projects in a multimedia format incorporating at least three of the following: sounds, text, graphics, animated graphics, or video.

* Students will be able to use a desktop publishing program, apply styles, and import graphics and text.

* Students will be able to scan graphic images and acquire them from the Internet; they will be able to edit and incorporate them into word processing, desktop publishing documents, or multimedia presentations.

* Students will be able to create a page for the World Wide Web which incorporates text, graphics, and links to other pages.


* Students will be able to create a spreadsheet to organize and analyze a given set of data, applying functions to create formulas; they will also be able to create a graphical representation of the data set.

* Students will be able to create and utilize databases; they will learn how to sort and analyze this data according to different objectives; and they will learn how to create forms and reports.

* Students will be able to use graphing calculators.

The infusion of technology into middle school classrooms

NC State's MidTech is dedicated to the infusion of technology into middle school classrooms. We envision the site serving as a great clearinghouse for state and national standards and resources. Its most unique aspect is the human touch provided by interviews with and vignettes by middle school teachers, media specialists, and students, from the tech geeks to the relatively tech newbies, who describe their efforts to create 21st century classrooms for 21st century students. Come join us and together we will touch the future!

Upper School Technology Competencies


* Students will conduct investigations and solve problems using emerging technologies, including but not limited to: WWW (internet), e-mail, File Transfer Protocol (ftp), and library resources such as PROQUEST, SIRS NEWSFILE, and other CD-ROM Databases.

* Students will use the LAN to access their work from any workstation in the school and to share information with peers and teachers.

* Students will be able to use e-mail to communicate with peers, teachers, and mentors. They will also be able to communicate and collaborate with culturally, politically and geographically diverse people.

* As technology becomes available students will be able to communicate/collaborate with students and professionals around the world through real time conferencing.


* Students will use word processing software to write, edit, format, and incorporate graphics to produce class assignments.

* Students will use a variety of interactive, multimedia presentation tools to produce reports and presentations that combine text, graphics, sound, video and hyperlinks to original resources.


* Students will use spreadsheet and database software for data collection and analysis. They will be able to incorporate their data results as well as graphic presentations of data in their final reports

* Students will use a variety of computer interfaces in their science courses including temperature, pressure, electrical, light and sound measuring devices, frequency counters and scales, for immediate display and analysis

* Students will use graphing calculators extensively. It is recommended that each student will by their senior year compile an electronic portfolio that is representative of their career at G.A. and which reflects their mastery of all of the above mentioned skills.